Pieris erutae erutae  Poujade, 1888

Pieris erutae erutae ♂ Up. Pieris erutae erutae ♂ Un. Pieris erutae erutae ♂ Up. Pieris erutae erutae ♂ Un.
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand. ♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Pieris erutae erutae ♂ Up. Pieris erutae erutae ♂ Un. Pieris erutae erutae ♂ Up. Pieris erutae erutae ♂ Un.
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand. ♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Pieris erutae erutae ♂ Up. Pieris erutae erutae ♂ Un. Pieris erutae erutae ♀ Up. Pieris erutae erutae ♀ Un.
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand. ♀, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

ON : Pieris erutae Poujade, 1888
OD : Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6)8:xix.
TL : Moupin [Baoxing], Sichuan.
Distribution : Assam, Myanmar, N.Thailand,
Laos, Vietnam, Yunnan, Sichuan.
Pieris erutae erutae map


Pieris melete mandarina Leech, 1893 : Butts. China Japan Corea (2):451. TL. N.China.
Pieris melete alpestris Verity, 1908 : Rhopalocera Palaearctica (15-16):166, (17-20): pl.31, figs.18-19. TL. Sichuan.
Pieris melete australis Verity, 1911 : Rhopalocera Palaearctica (30-36):331, (26-29): pl.52, figs.14-16. TL. Yunnan.

Records taken from Literature

Artogeia napi montana ; Pinratana,1983 : 13, pl.11, figs.20,♂,♀. (Chiang Mai)
Artogeia napi montana ; Ek-Amnuay,[2007] : 142, pl.43, figs.Pi21,♂,♂(Un),♀,♀[♂],♀[♂](Un). (Chiang Mai: Doi Pha Hom Pok; Mae Sot)
Pieris erutae montana ; Kimura et al.,2011 : 162, figs.♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Doi Chiang Dao; Doi Phui; Doi Suthep; Doi Inthanon)
Artogeia napi montana ; Ek-Amnuay,2012 : 142, pl.43, figs.Pi21,♂,♂(Un),♀,♂,♂(Un). (Doi Pha Hom Pok; Mae Sot-Tak)
Pieris erutae montana ; S.Sophonviwatkul, C.Sunthornwiphat & T.Laola,2023- : Butterflies of Thailand, figs. (Chiang Mai; Nan) (accessed: 2024.04.13)

[ LAOS ]
Pieris melete f. montana ; Dubois & Vitalis,1921 : 19. (Ban Sai; Ban Na Lane)
Pieris napi mandarina ? ; Motono & Negishi,1989 : 49, pl.18, figs.3,♂,4,♂(Un). (Nam Moh; Phatong; Luang Prabang; Vientiane)
Artogeia napi montana ; Osada, Uémura & Uehara,1999 : 202, pl.32, figs.♂,♂(Un),♀. (Lak Sao)
Artogeia napi montana ; Onodera,2009b : 36-37. (Xieng Kouang: Nam Noen)
Pieris erutae montana ; Nakamura & Wakahara,2012 : 42.
Pieris erutae erutae ; Tadokoro et al.,2017 : 90. (Laos)
Pieris erutae montana ; Onodera,2022 : 14, pl.61, figs.♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Bolikhamxai: Lak Sao; Xiengkhouang: near Hokang)

Pieris erutae montana ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 16. (N / C)
Pieris erutae erutae ; Tadokoro et al.,2017 : 90. (Vietnam)

Specimens Examined

Chiang Mai : 17♂ 4♀ (incl. photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Nan : 1♂ (photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

[ LAOS ]
Bolikhamxai : 1♂ (photo by K.Phongpiyamit).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly is locally not rare in fields of field mustard around villages at moderate to high elevations (Alt. 550 - 1700m).
I provisionally treat the population from Thailand as the nominotypical subspecies.


Poujade, G.A.,1888 : Les descriptions de nouvelles espéces de Piéridae et de Noctuélide.
Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. (6)8:19-20.

Leech, J.H.,1892-1894 : Butterflies from China, Japan and Corea.
London. Priv. Publ. 6 parts.

Verity, R.,1908 : Rhopalocera Palaearctica Iconographie et Description des Papillons diurnes de la région paléarctique. Papilionidae et Pieridae
(15-16):157-172, pl.27-29,34,45 (1908) ; (17-20):173-220, pl.30-33,47,49. (1908)

Verity, R.,1911 : Rhopalocera Palaearctica Iconographie et Description des Papillons diurnes de la région paléarctique. Papilionidae et Pieridae
(26-29):285-324,361-367, pl.52-54,57-65,(Ed. 2) 1-7.(1911) ; (30-36):325-360, pl.25, pl.50-51, 55-56,66-72. (1911)

Eitschberger, U.,1983 : Systematische Untersuchungen am Pieris napi-bryoniae Komplex (s.l.).
Herbipoliana 1(1):I-XXII, 1-504; 1(2):1-601.

Tadokoro, T., Wangchuk, S., Wangdi, S., Wangdi, K., Sherub, Wangdi, R., Drukupa, S., Harada, M., Saito, M., Aoki, T., Yamaguchi, S., Igarashi, Y., Watanabe, Y. and Yago, M.,2017 :
Description of a new subspecies of Pieris erutae Poujade, 1888 from Eastern Bhutan, with taxonomic notes on the Pieris napi group from the Himalayas (Lepidoptera, Pieridae)
Lepidoptera Science 68(3/4):81-91.

Pieris erutae erutae ♂ Pieris erutae erutae ♂
♂, Nan, Thailand.
Pieris erutae erutae ♂ Pieris erutae erutae ♂
♂, Bolikhamxai, Laos. (photo by K.Phongpiyamit) ♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

1996.10.31 - 2024.04.30.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.