Calinaga brahma distans Monastyrskii & Devyatkin, 2000

ON : Calinaga sudassana distans Monastyrskii & Devyatkin, 2000
OD : Atalanta 31 (3/4):478, pl.18, figs.7(PT,♂), 8.(PT,♂Un).
TL : Kon Cha Rang, Gia Lai, C.Vietnam.
Distribution : C.Vietnam.
● ssp.sudassana
transition area of sudassana and bedoci
Calinaga brahma distans map

Type Materials Information

Holotype ♂, 10.Mar.1999. Kon Cha Rang Nature Reserve, Gia Lai Province, C.Vietnam. A.L.Monastyrskii leg. (MNHN)
Paratypes : 2♂, Kon Cha Rang Nature Reserve, Gia Lai Province, C.Vietnam. A.L.Monastyrskii leg. (MNHN & NHML)

Records taken from Literature

Calinaga sudassana distans ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 45. (C: Gia Lai)
Calinaga sudassana distans ; Monastyrskii,2019 : 4(1):43-44, pl.2, figs.1a(PT,♂),1b(PT,♂Un). (C: Kon Cha Rang; Kon Ka Kinh)
Calinaga bedoci distans ; Tshikolovets,2020 : 56, pl.IX, figs.1(PT,♂),2(PT,♂Un),3(♀),4(♀Un),5(PT,♂),6(PT,♂Un). (C.Vietnam: Gia Lai)


Tshikolovets (2020: 47) treated the taxa brahma, sudassana, bedoci as "superspecies brahma" and these taxa as separate species. Subsequently, Todisco et al. (2024) treated these taxa as subspecies of brahma based on molecular analysis. Their analysis, including the genital findings of brahma and sudassana, which I have examined, is convincing and I have followed it here. The genus Calinaga is extremely difficult to identify by morphological characteristics and requires a comprehensive verification, including examination of genitalia and further DNA analysis.


Monastyrskii, A.L. & Devyatkin, A.L.,2000 : New taxa and new records of butterflies from Vietnam (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera).
Atalanta 31(3/4):471-492, col.pls.18-21a.

Tshikolovets, V.,2020 : The Genus Calinaga Moore, [1858] (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Calinaginae).
Tshikolovets Publications. 159 pp, 56 pls.

Todisco, V., Basu, D.N., Prosser, S.W.J., Russell, S., Mutanen, M., Zilli, A., Huertas, B., Kunte, K. & Vane-Wright, R.,2024 :
DNA barcodes from over-a-century-old type specimens shed light on the taxonomy of a group of rare butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Calinaginae).
PLoS ONE 19(7): e0305825. ""

2020.01.31 - 2024.10.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.