Neope muirheadii lahittei  (Janet, 1894)

Neope muirheadii lahittei ♂ Up. Neope muirheadii lahittei ♂ Un. Neope muirheadii lahittei ♂ genitalia Neope muirheadii lahittei ♂ genitalia
♂, Bolikhamxai, Laos. ♂ genitalia (uncus and valva), Bolikhamxai, Laos.

ON : Zophoessa lahittei Janet, 1894
OD : Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 63:cclv-cclvi.
TL : Son Tay, Tonkin ; China. (MNHN)
Distribution : E.Laos, N.Vietnam.
● ssp.bhima
Neope muirheadii lahittei map

Type Materials Information

Syntypes : 6♂ 4♀, Son Tay, Tonkin ; 1♀ C.China. (MNHN). (1♂ of syntypes from Tonkin in MNHN, photo examined.)

Records taken from Literature

Patala muirheadi [sic] ; Joannis,1901 : 317. (Tonkin: Cao Bang)
Neope muirheadi [sic] lahittei ; Fruhstorfer,1911 : 326. (Tonkin: Mauson Mts.)
Neope lahittei ; Vitalis,1919 : 223. (Tonkin)
Neope muirheadi [sic] f. lahittei ; Dubois & Vitalis,1924 : 29. (Tonkin)
Neope lahittei ; Lemée,1950 : 8. (Hagiang; Sontay)
Neope muirheadi [sic] lahittei ; Metaye,1957 : 103. (N)
Neope muirheadi [sic] lahittei ; Luong et al.,2004 : 4, 48, figs.♂,♂(Un). (Cuc Phuong)
Neope muirheadi [sic] bhima ; Ikeda et al.,1999 : 53, figs.5:1,♂,2,♂(Un),3,♀, fig.9:22(♂,genitalia). (Cuc Phuong)
Neope muirheadi [sic] lahittei ; Monastyrskii,2005 : 72-73, pl.20, figs.1a♂,1b♂(Un). (N: Tam Dao; Cat Ba; Ba Be; Kim Hy; Cuc Phuong)
Neope muirheadi [sic] lahittei ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 23. (N: Bac Can)
Neope muirheadi [sic] lahittei ; Saito & Vu,2020 : 27. (list only)

Specimens Examined

[ LAOS ]
Bolikhamxai : 1♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The specimen from Lak Sao, eastern Laos seems to be ssp.lahittei.


Janet, A.,1894 : Descriptions de trois Lepidopteres Rhopaloceres.
Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 63:cclv-cclvi.

1998.12.27 - 2022.04.30.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © Y.Inayoshi.