Delias belladonna belladonna (Fabricius, 1793)

Delias belladonna belladonna ♂ Up Delias belladonna belladonna ♂ Un Delias belladonna belladonna ♀ Up Delias belladonna belladonna ♀ Un
♂, Lao Cai, Vietnam. (photo by K.Saito) ♀, Lao Cai, Vietnam. (photo by K.Saito)

ON : Papilio belladonna Fabricius, 1793
OD : Ent. syst. 3(1):180.
TL : not stated. '? N.E.Burma ; Yunnan ; Tonkin'
Distribution : N.E.Myanmar, N.Vietnam, Yunnan.
● ssp.hedybia
Delias belladonna belladonna Map

Records taken from Literature

Delias belladonna belladonna ; Talbot,1937 : 285. (Tonkin: Ngai-Tio; 'Hanoi'; Laokay)
Delias belladonna belladonna ; Metaye,1957 : 85. (N / C) (in part)
Delias belladonna belladonna ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 15. (N / C)

Specimens Examined

Tonkin (Ngai-Tio; 'Hanoi'; Laokay) : 10♂ (NHML).

Lao Cai : 1♂ 1♀.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


There are various opinions on the type locality of this species. Here I temporarily follow Talbot,1937, who assumed it as 'N.E.Burma ; Yunnan ; Tonkin'. However, this opinion is rather doubtful, as Corbet,1941 pointed out, since we have not seen any individuals from the area that resemble the female illustrated in Jones' Icones. Further taxonomic study and distributional research are needed.


Fabricius, J.C.,1793 : Entomologia systematica emedata et aucta. secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus.
3(1): [iv] + 488 pp. Copenhagen. C.G.Proft.

Talbot, G..1937 : A Monograph of the Genus Delias (6):261-656, 48 pls.
British Museum Natural History.

Corbet, A.S.,1941 : Observations on Certain of the Fabrician Names of Indo-Australian Rhopalocera (Lepid.)
Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (B)10(6):98-106.

Yata, O.,1981 : Pieridae, in: Tsukada (Ed.), Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands 2, Pieridae, Danaidae.
Plapac co., Ltd., Tokyo. pp.205-438, pls.1-84. (in Japanese)

Yagishita, A., Nakano, S. & Morita, S.,1993 : An Illustrated List of the Genus Delias Hübner of the World.
409 pls, 384 pp, Khepera Publishers, Tokyo. (in Japanese)

1996.11.02 - 2022.07.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.