Vanessa cardui
(Linnaeus, 1758)
♂, Nan, Thailand. |
♀, Phrae, Thailand. |
♀, Champasak, Laos. |
♀, Phrae, Thailand. |
ON :
Papilio cardui Linnaeus, 1758
OD : Syst. nat. (ed.10) 1:475.
TL : 'Carduo Europa; Africa' [Sweden].
Distribution : Cosmopolitan except South America.
(--- The taxon marked with an asterisk is cited from other literature and I have not been able to confirm the original description.)
Papilio belladonna Linnaeus, 1758 : Syst. nat. (ed.10) 1:475. TL. not stated. (Unavailable name)
Papilio carduelis Cramer, 1775 : Util. Kapellen 1:40-41, pl.26, figs.C[E],D[F](Un). TL. "Cap de Bonne Espérance" [S.Africa].
Papilio belladonna Godart, 1821 : Hist. nat. Lépid. France 1:102, pl.6 secund, fig.2. TL. not stated.
Vanessa elymi Rambur, 1829 : Annls Sci. Observation. 2:256-257, pl.5, figs.1,2(Un). TL. "Montpellier" [France].
Pyrameis cardui var. v. leachiana Doubleday, 1849 : Gen. Diurn. Lep. 1:205. TL. "America, from Hudson's Bay to Venezuela" (Unavailable name)
Pyrameis cardui ab. ate Strecker, 1878 : Butts. Moths. North America : 137. TL. "Summit Co., Ohio" [Ohio, U.S.A]
Vanessa cardui ab. pallens Noel, 1881 : Feuille jeun. Nat. 11(127):102. TL. "Vascoeuil" [France].
Vanessa cardui var. pallida Schøyen, 1881 : Tromsø. Mus. Aarsh. 4:77-79. TL."Praetegaarden" [Norway].
Vanessa cardui ab. inornata Bramson, 1886 : Annls. Soc. ent. Fr. (6)16:284. TL. Ekaterinoslaw, Russie meridionale.
Vanessa cardui ab. minor Failla, 1887 : in Minà-Palumbo F. & Failla-Tedaldi, L., Nat. Siciliano 7:71. TL. Madonie, Sicily, Italy.
Vanessa cardui semisuffusa Cockerell, 1889 : Entomologist 22:54. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui form minor Cockerell, 1890 : Can ent. 22:57. TL. "near Micawber Mine, Custer County, Colorado" [Colorado, U.S.A]
Vanessa cardui ab. wiskotti Standfuss, 1895 : Ent. Zeit. 9(12):91. TL. Holland.
Pyrameis cardui ab. minor Cannaviello, 1900 : Misc. Ent. 8(2):19-20. TL. Calabria, Italy.
Pyrameis cardui var. huntera Lowe, 1902 : Ent. Rec. 14:333. TL. "Certosa di Pesio" [N.W.Italy].
Pyrameis cardui ab. carduelis Schultz, 1906 : Nyt Mag. naturvid. 44:108. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui ab. priameis Schultz, 1906 : Nyt Mag. naturvid. 44:108. TL. "Heinrichau" [Poland].
Pyrameis cardui ab. elymi Fruhstorfer, 1906 : Ent. Zeit. 20(3):17. TL. Pengalengan, W.Java.
Pyrameis cardui ab. carduelina Alpheraky, 1908 : Horae. Soc. ent. ross. 38:573-574. TL. "Taganrog" [S.Russia].
Pyrameis cardui japonica Stichel, 1909 : in Seitz, Grossschmett Erde. 1:200, fig.62d. TL. 'Japan; Tsintau, E.China'.
Pyrameis cardui ab. ocellata Rebel, 1909 : in Berge, Schmetterligsbuch: 20. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui ab. carnea Fritsch, 1912 : Ent. Rund. 29:136. TL. "Schlesien, Posen, Sachsen" [Germany]
Pyrameis cardui ab. melanosa Cabeau, 1913 : Revue mens. Soc. ent. namur. 13:43. TL. "Virton" [Belgium].
Pyrameis cardui f. brunnea-albimaculata Reuss, 1916 : Int. ent. Z. 9(25):131. TL. "Biesental" [Germany].
Pyrameis cardui f. rosacea Reuss, 1916 : Int. ent. Z. 9(25):131. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui f. ochracea Reuss, 1918 : Soc. ent. 33(11):41. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui universa Verity, 1919 : Ent. Rec. 31:197. TL. Florence, Italy.
Pyrameis cardui form conjuncta Verity, 1919 : Ent. Rec. 31:197. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui inops Verity, 1919 : Ent. Rec. 31:198. TL. Cape of Good Hope, S.Africa.
Pyrameis cardui infranigrans Verity, 1919 : Ent. Rec. 31:198. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui infragrisea Verity, 1919 : Ent. Rec. 31:198. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui infrabrunnea Verity, 1919 : Ent. Rec. 31:198. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui infraochracea Verity, 1919 : Ent. Rec. 31:198. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui infraflava Verity, 1919 : Ent. Rec. 31:198. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui ab. emielymi Verity, 1919 : Ent. Rec. 31:198. TL. Vallombrosa, Tuscany, Italy.
Pyrameis cardui form sexiespupillata Verity, 1919 : Ent. Rec. 31:198. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui form septiespupillata Verity, 1919 : Ent. Rec. 31:198. TL. not stated.
Pyrameis cardui ab. maria Stephan, 1924 : Soc. ent. 39:25. TL. "Friedrichsberg"
Pyrameis cardui ab. martha-maria Stephan, 1924 : Soc. ent. 39:25. TL. "Friedrichsberg"
∗ "Pyrameis cardui takesakiana Kato,1925 : Ins. World 29(5):145. TL. Japan." (Cited from Bozano & Floriani,2012)
Pyrameis cardui ab. subfracta Stach, 1925 : Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. 58/59:114-115, Ryc.3. TL. Czarnym Dunajcu, Poland.
Pyrameis cardui ab. schoenfellneri Hoffmann, 1925 : Z. ost. Ent. Ver. 10(3):29-30. TL. Kleinmunchen, Austria.
Cynthia cardui jacksoni Clark, 1927 : Ann. Assoc. amer. Geogr. 17:127. TL. "New England, California, Mongolia, France, etc." (Unavailable name)
∗ "Pyrameis cardui flava Bandermann, 1928 : Int. ent. Z. 22:237. TL. Wörmlitz, [Germany]." (Cited from Bozano & Floriani,2012)
Pyrameis cardui ab. rogeri Meilhan, 1929 : P.-v. Soc. linn. Bordeaux 80:102. TL. France.
Pyrameis cardui ab. varini Meilhan, 1929 : P.-v. Soc. linn. Bordeauxx 80:103. TL. France.
Pyrameis cardui form jacksoni Clark, 1932 : Bull. U. S. natn Mus. 157:89, pl.8, figs.2,♀,3,♀(Un). TL. "District of Columbia" [Columbia, U.S.A]
Pyrameis cardui ab. johni Fischer, 1932 : Int . ent. Z. 26:158. fig.2. TL. "Altenburg" [Germany].
∗ "Pyrameis cardui pallida Frohawk, 1938 : Var. Brit. Butts : 84. TL. not stated." (Cited from Bozano & Floriani,2012)
∗ "Vanessa cardui japonica koreana Bryk,1946 : Ark. Zool. 38A(3):39. TL. Shuotsu, Korea." (Cited from Bozano & Floriani,2012)
∗ "Vanessa cardui albicans Verity,1950 : Farfalle. Diurne. Ital. 4:331. TL. not stated." (Cited from Bozano & Floriani,2012)
∗ "Vanessa cardui infralutea Verity,1950 : Farfalle. Diurne. Ital. 4:334. TL. not stated. (Unavailable name)" (Cited from Bozano & Floriani,2012)
Vanessa cardui f. albipuncta Lempke, 1956 : Tijdschr. Ent. 99(3):188. TL. "Krimpen aan de Lek" [Netherlands]. (Rotterdam Mus.)
Vanessa cardui f. nigripuncta Lempke, 1956 : Tijdschr. Ent. 99(3):188. TL. "Breda" [Netherlands].
Vanessa cardui ab. takesakiana Murayama & Shimonoya, 1966 : Tyô to Ga 16(3/4):63, fig.24,♀,27,♀(Un). TL. "Poli, Taiwan" [Puli, Nantou, Taiwan].
Vanessa pulchra Chou, Yuan, Yin, Zhang & Chen, 2002 : Entomotaxonomia 24(1) : 54,58,65. figs.15a(HT,♂),15b(HT,♂Un). TL. Ganzi, Sichuan. (Entomological Museum, North west Sci-Tech University)
* "Cynthia cardui alba Mérit, S. & Mérit, V.,2008 : Lépidoptères, Rev. Ass. lèp. Fr. 17:5. TL. Allos Pass, Mercantour, France." (Cited from Bozano & Floriani,2012)
Vanessa cardui stictus Wu et Ma, 2016 : Records of Butterflies in Anhui Province 136-137, fig.520,521. TL. Ma On Shan, Anhui, China. (Unavailable name)
Type Material Information
pulchra : Holotype ♂, Ganzi, Sichuan.
Records taken from Literature
Pyrameis cardui ; Davidson & Macbeth,1938 : 73. (N: Koon Tarn)
Vanessa cardui cardui ; Pinratana,1979 : 26, figs.N37,♂,♂(Un). (Chiang Mai)
Vanessa cardui cardui ; Pinratana & Eliot,1996 : 29, pl.12, figs.26,♂,♂(Un). (Chiang Mai)
Vanessa cardui ; Ek-Amnuay,[2007] : 366, pl.157, figs.N29,♂,♀,♀. (Yala)
Vanessa cardui ; Les Day,2011-2022 : Samui Butterflies, fig.♂. (Koh Samui; Koh Phangan) (accessed: 2021.09.18)
Vanessa cardui cardui ; Ek-Amnuay,2012 : 496, pl.221 figs.N377,♂,♀,♀(Un). (Yala)
Vanessa cardui ; S.Sophonviwatkul, C.Sunthornwiphat & T.Laola,2015- : Butterflies of Thailand, figs. (Chiang Mai; Phetchabun) (accessed: 2023.04.27)
Vanessa cardui ; Kimura et al.,2016 : 56, figs.♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Doi Ankhaan; Doi Inthanon)
[ LAOS ]
Vanessa cardui cardui ; Motono & Negishi,1989 : 54, pl.46, figs.3,♂,4,♂(Un). (Luang Prabang)
Vanessa cardui cardui ; Osada, Uémura & Uehara,1999 : 205, pl.50, fig.♀. (Muang Khoua)
Vanessa cardui cardui ; Nakamura & Wakahara,2012 : 44.
Pyrameis cardui ; Lemée,1950 : 12. (Langson)
Pyrameis cardui cardui ; Metaye,1957 : 94. (N / C / S)
Vanessa cardui cardui ; Luong et al.,2004 : 6, 58, figs.♀,♀(Un). (Cuc Phuong)
Vanessa cardui cardui ; Miyazaki et al.,2010 : 24, fig.N-126,♀. (Lam Dong: Dambri)
Vanessa cardui cardui ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 32. (N / C: to Lam Dong)
Vanessa cardui cardui ; Monastyrskii,2019 : 4(1):106, pl.26, fig.1,♂. (N: Hoang Lien; Van Ban; Ba Be; Na Hang; Tam Dao; Ba Vi; Cuc Phuong / C: Ben En; Ba To; Ngoc Linh; Da Lat; Bi Doup; Nui Chua)
Specimens Examined
Mae Hong Son : 2♀ (photo).
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Chiang Rai : 1♀ (photo).
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Chiang Mai : 2♂ 3♀ (incl. photo).
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Phrae : 2♀.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Nan : 1♂.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Surat Thani (Koh Phangan dist.) : 1♀ (photo by A.Giudici).
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Yala : 1♀ (photo by S.Atdhabhan).
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
[ LAOS ]
Champasak : 3♀.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
The butterfly is locally common at low to high elevations (Alt. 200 - 2200m), especially is often found at open peak.
Both sexes visit flowers.
Linnaeus, C.,1758 : Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum Characteribus, Differentiis, Synonymis, Locis.
Holmiae, Laurentii Salvii. (Edition 10). 1(Animalia):[iv]+824pp.
Cramer, P.,1775-1776 :
Uitlandsche Kapellen. voorkomende in de drie Waereld-Deelen Asia, Africa en America, by een verzameld en bescreeven.
Amsterdam. Baalde, and Utrecht, Wild. 1(1-7):xxx + 16 + 132pp, pl.1-84, (1775) ; 1(8):133-156, pl.85-96, (1776).
Godart, J.B.,1821 : Histoire naturelle des Lépidoptères ou Papillons de France.
Paris, Crevot 1:12+303pp, 40 pls ; 2:246 pp, 18 pls.
Rambur, J.P.,1829 : Notice sur plusieurs espèces de Lépidoptères nouveaux du midi de le France.
Annls Sci. Observation 2:255-268, 2 pls.
Doubleday, E. & Hewitson, W.C.,1846-1852 : The genera of diurnal Lepidoptera,
comprising their generic characters, a notice of their habits and transformations, and a catalogue of the species of each genus ;
illustrated with 86 plates by W.C.Hewitson.
Longon, Longman, Brown, Green and Longman's. xii + ii + 534 pp, 86 pls, In 54 parts. In 2 vols.
Strecker, H.,1878 : Butterflies and moths of North America, with full instructions for collecting, breeding, preparing, classifying, packing for shipment, etc.
A complete synonymical catalogue of macrolepidoptera, with a full bibliography, to which is added a glossary of terms and an alphabetical and descriptive list of localities.
Reading, Pennsylvania, B.F.Owen. [4]+i-ii, 1-283pp, 2pls.
Noel, P.,1881 : Une nouvelle aberration de la Vanessa cardui.
Feuille jeun. Nat. 11(127):102.
Schøyen, W.M.,1881 : Nye Bidragtil Kundskaben om det arktiske norges Lepidopterfauna.
Tromsø Mus. Aarsh. 4:71-100.
Failla-Tedaldi, L.,1887 : in Minà-Palumbo F. & Failla-Tedaldi, L., Materiali per la fauna lepidotterologica della Sicilia.
Nat. Siciliano 7:10-202.
Cockerell, T.D.A.,1889 : On the variation of Insects.
Entomologist 22:54-56.
Cockerell, T.D.A.,1890 : Notes on the Insect Fauna of High Altitudes in Custer County, Colorado.
Can. Ent. 22(2):37-39.
Standfuss, M.,1895 : Weitere Mittheilungen uber den Einfluss exttemer Temperaturen auf Schmetterlingspuppen.
Ent. Zeit. 9(12):89-91.
Bramson, C.L.,1886 : Una nouvelle aberration de Vanessa cardui L. (aber.inornata).
Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (6)16:284.
Cannaviello, H.,1900 : Courte note sur les Lepidopteres du Sous-genre Pyrameis Hubn.
Misc. Ent. 8(2):17-20.
Lowe, F.E.,1902 : Collecting Lepidoptera in 1902.
Ent. Rec. 14(12):330-334.
Schultz, O.,1906 : Ueber einige Abarten und Varietäten palaearctischer Rhopaloceren.
Nyt Mag. naturvid. 44:105-111.
Fruhstorfer, H.,1906 : Rhopaloceren-Aberrationen
Ent. Zeit. 20(3):17-18.
Stichel, H.,1909 : 6. Familie: Nymphalidae in Seitz, Gross-Schmett. Erde 1
Alpheraky, S.N.,1908 : Cheshuekrilii Okrestnestei Taganroga.
Horae Soc. ent. ross. 38:558-618.
Rebel, H.,1909 : in Berge, Fr., Schmetterlingsbuch, oder Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Schmetterlinge und besondere der Europäischen Gattungen.
Nebst eomer vollständigen Anweisung zum Fang, zur Erziehung, Zubereitung, Aufbewahrung und überhaupt zu allen dem Sammler nothwendigen Dingen. (ed. 9)
Fritsch, W.,1912 : Neue Spielarten.
Ent. Rundsch. 29(21):135-137.
Cabeau, C.,1913 : Une aberration de Rhopalocère nouvelle pour la science.
Revue mens. Soc. ent. namur. 13:43.
Reuss. T.,1916 : Einige Naturiormen von Pyrameis cardui L.
Int. ent. Z. 9(25):130-131.
Reuss. T.,1918 : Ueber die Eiablage von Pyrameis cardui L. an Echium vulgare und anchusa officinalis (Borraginaceae).
Soc. ent. 33(11):41-42.
Verity, R.,1919 : Seasonal Polymorphism and Races of some European Grypocera and Rhopalocera.
Ent. Rec. 31:193-201.
Stephan, J.,1924 : Pyrameis cardui L. ab. (nov.) maria Jul. Steph.
Soc. ent. 39(7):25.
Hoffmann, E.,1925 : Pyrameis cardui L. nova ab.schoenfellneri.
Z. ost. Ent. Ver. 10(3):29-30.
Stach, S.,1925 : Neue Aberrationen von Pieris rapae L., P. napi L. und Pyrameis cardui L.
Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. 58/59:107-177, 3 figs.
Clark, A.H.,1927 : Gergraphy and zoology.
Ann. Assoc. amer. Geogr. 17:101-145.
Meilhan, Dr.,1928 : Une aberration de Pyrameis cardui L. (lep.).
P.-v. Soc. linn. Bordeaux 80:100-103.
Clark, A.H.,1932 : The butterflies of the District of Columbia and vicinity.
Bull. U. S. natn Mus. 157:iii-ix+337pp, 64 pls.
Fischer, E.,1932 : Zwei Vanessiden-Aberrationen und zwei Parnassier Hybriden.
Int. ent. Z. 26:157-160.
Lempke, B.J.,1956 : Catalogus der Nederlandse Macrolepidoptera (Vierde Supplement)
Tijdschr. Ent. 99(3):155-216, pl.3,4.
Murayama, S. & Shimonoya, T.,1966 : Some Formosan butterflies of new species, new race, new aberrant forms or little known species and forms.
Tyô to Ga 16(3/4):58-67, 41 figs.
Chou, I., Yuan, X.Q., Yin, H.S., Zhang, C.S. & Chen, X.C.,2002 : New Species, New Subspecies, and New Records of Butterflies from China (VI).
Entomotaxonomia 24(1):52-68, 23 figs.
Bozano, G.C. (ed.), Bozano, G.C. & Floriani, A.,2012 : Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region. Nymphalidae part 5, Subfamily Nymphalinae
Omnes Artes, Milano. 90 pp.
Wu, S. & Ma, X.,2016 : Records of Butterflies in Anhui Province.
Time Publishing & Media Co.
♀, Chiang Rai, Thailand. |
♀, Surat Thani (Koh Phangan dist.), Thailand. (photo by A.Giudici) |
♀, Yala, Thailand. (photo by S.Atdhabhan) |
A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.