Penthema darlisa darlisa Moore, 1878

Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Up. Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Un. Penthema darlisa darlisa ♀ Up. Penthema darlisa darlisa ♀ Un.
♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand. ♀, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Up. Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Un. Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Up. Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Un.
♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand. ♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Up. Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Un. Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Up. Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Un.
♂, Tak, Thailand. ♂, Tak, Thailand.
Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ genitalia Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ genitalia
♂ genitalia, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.

ON : Penthema darlisa Moore, 1878
OD : Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1878(4):829.
TL : "Meetan", [Myanmar]. (NHML)
Distribution : Myanmar, Yunnan, W.Thailand (Tak - Kanchanaburi).
● ssp.darlisa
transition zone of melema and mimetica
Penthema darlisa darlisa map


Penthema binghami Wood-Mason, 1881 : J. asiat. Soc. Bengal II 50:87, pl.4, fig.1,♂. TL. "Thoungyeen forest, British Burmah" [Thoungyin, Kayin State, Myanmar].
Penthema darlisa shania Tytler, 1940 : J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 42:112. TL. 'Karen Hills [Karen Hills, Kayah State, Myanmar]; Maymyo, Northern Shan States [Maymyo, Mandalay Region, Myanmar]'. (NHML)
Penthema darlisa cooperi Tytler, 1940 : J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 42:112. TL. "Kanbank, Tavoy" [Kanbauk, Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar]. (NHML)
Penthema darlisa pallida Li, 1994 : in Chou (ed.), Monog. Rhop. Sinensium, 2:758, figs.1:368,♂, 369,♀. TL. Yunnan. (Kunming Institute of Zoology)

Type Material Information

darlisa ; ♀, Type (red), Rh8972, Apr. Meetan, 3000ft. (NHML, examined)
binghami ; ♂, Type, Thoungyun Forest. (NZC) ; Sheela et al.,2019 : 242, figs.♂,♂(Un).
shania ; ♂, Type HT (red), 4.26. Karen Hills, 2000. (NHML, examined) ; ♀, Allotype (red), 10.4.24. Maymyo. (NHML, examined)
cooperi ; ♂, Type (red), Mar.-Apr.1927. Kanbank, Tavoy. (NHML, examined) ; ♀, Allotype (red), Apr.1924. Tavoy. (NHML, examined)
pallida ; ♂, Holotype, 17-18.Jun.1990. Fugong, Yunnan. (Kunming Institute of Zoology) ; ♀, Allotype, 17-18.Apr.1990. Fugong, Yunnan. (Kunming Institute of Zoology)
Paratypes : 1♂, 24.May.1990. Jinghong, Yunnan. (Kunming Institute of Zoology) ; 1♂, 23.Jun.1984. Menghai, Yunnan. (Kunming Institute of Zoology)All Coll. Li Changlian.

Records taken from Literature

Penthema darlisa melema ; Pinratana,1979 : 6. (Tak) (in part)
Penthema darlisa melema ; Pinratana,1988 : 19. (Kanchanaburi; Tak) (in part)
Penthema darlisa melema ; Okamoto et al.,2013 : 9. (Kanchanaburi: Mae Klong Station)
Penthema darlisa darlisa ; S.Sophonviwatkul, C.Sunthornwiphat & T.Laola,2015- : Butterflies of Thailand, figs. (Kanchanaburi) (accessed: 2022.04.27)
Penthema darlisa mimetica ; Kimura et al.,2016 : 160, figs.♂(Thung Pha Phum),♂(Un),♂(Sai Yok Noi),♂(Un). (Doi Musso; Thung [Thong] Pha Phum; Pealok; Sai Yok Noi) (in part)
Penthema darlisa darlisa ; Saito & Inayoshi,2022b : 24, figs.5,♂,5v♂(Un),6,♀,6v♀(Un),7,♂,7v♂(Un). (Tak; Kanchanaburi)

Specimens Examined

Tak : 6♂ (incl. photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Kanchanaburi : 8♂ 2♀ (incl. photo & photo by S.Sophonviwatkul).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


New to Thailand. The butterfly is locally common in montane bamboo forests at moderate elevations (Alt. 550 - 1200m).
In Kimura et al. (2014), among those treated as ssp.mimetica, the populations from Tak to Kanchanaburi, such as Doi Musso, Thong Pha Phum, Pealok, Sai Yok Noi, etc., are considered to belong to the nominotypical subspecies. The population in this region is rather variable and individuals very similar to cooperi and shania are found sympatrically.


Moore, F,1878 : A list of the Lepidopterous Insects collected by Mr. Ossian Limborg in Upper Tenasserim, with Descriptions of new Species
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1878(4):821-859, pl.51-53(1879)

Woo-Mason, J.,1881 : On some Lepidopterous Insects belonging to the Rhopalocerous Genera Euripus and Penthema from India and Burmah.
J. asiat. Soc. Bengal II 50:85-87, 2pls.

Tytler, H.,1940 : Notes on Some New and Interesting Butterflies chiefly from Burma. Part.2.
J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 42:109-123.

Chou, I. (ed.),1994 : Monographia Rhopalocerorum Sinensium.
2 vols., 854 pp. Henan Scientific and Technological Publishing House.

Lang, S.Y.,2022 : The Nymphalidae of China (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) part III
Tshikolovets, 376 pp, 40 col + 26 b/w pls.

Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂
♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand. ♂ (f. binghami), Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
(photo by S.Sophonviwatkul)
Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Penthema darlisa darlisa ♀
♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand. ♀, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂
♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand. ♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂
♂, Tak, Thailand. ♂, Tak, Thailand.
Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂ Penthema darlisa darlisa ♂
♂, Tak, Thailand. ♂, Tak, Thailand.

2019.02.28 - 2025.02.28.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.