Graphium antiphates toshikazui  (Page, 2020)

Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Up. Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Un. Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♀ Up. Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♀ Un.
♂, Satun (Koh Tarutao), Thailand. ♀, Satun (Koh Tarutao), Thailand. (photo by A.M.Cotton)
Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Up. Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Un. Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Up. Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Un.
♂, Satun (Koh Tarutao), Thailand. ♂, Satun (Koh Tarutao), Thailand. (photo by A.M.Cotton)
Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Up. Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Un. Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ genitalia Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ genitalia
♂, Satun (Koh Tarutao), Thailand. (photo by A.M.Cotton) ♂ genitalia, Satun (Koh Tarutao), Thailand.

Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Up. Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Un. Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Up. Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Un.
♂, Surat Thani (Koh Phangan), Thailand. ♂, Surat Thani (Koh Phangan), Thailand.

ON : Arisbe itamputi toshikazui Page, 2020
OD : Nachr. ent. Ver. Apollo, N.F. 40(3/4):196-197, fig.5h(HT,♂).
TL : Langkawi, [Malaysia]. (♂, ETHZ)
Distribution : P.Thailand (Koh Tarutao), Langkwai.
[Surat Thani: Koh Phangan]
● ssp.nebulosus
transition zone of nebulosus and alcibiades
Graphium antiphates toshikazui Map

Type Materials Information

Holotype ♂, Langkawi Island, [Kedah, Malaysia]. (ETHZ)
Paratypes : 1♂, Koh Tarutao, [Satun, Thailand] ; 1♂, Langkawi, [Kedah, Malaysia]. (ETHZ)

Records taken from Literature

Pathysa antiphates itamputi ; Les Day,2011-2022 : Samui Butterflies, figs.♂,♂. (Koh Samui; Koh Phangan) (accessed: 2022.08.02)
Graphium antiphates itamputi ; Kimura et al.,2011 : 133. (Tarutao Is.) (in part)
Arisbe itamputi tungi ; Page,2020 : 194-196. (Ko Samui) (in part)

Specimens Examined

Satun (Koh Tarutao) : 14♂ 1♀.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


Surat Thani (Koh Phangan) : 4♂ (incl. photo by A.Giudici).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly is not rare in lowland forests (Alt. 10 - 70m). Males frequently come to the banks of streams and puddles to suck water.
The population from Koh Phangan is neither ssp.alcibiades nor ssp.nebulosus, and is very similar to this taxon. I was unable to examine any Koh Samui specimens, but they are probably the same as those of Koh Phangan. I know this is unnatural in terms of zoogeography, but I consider them to be the same subspecies and provisionally treat it as ssp.toshikazui. It could be a similarity due to the oceanic climate, but I rather suspect it could be related to the origin of these islands, as the same tendency is seen in several other species. Further taxonomic study is needed including DNA analysis.


Page, M.G.P.,2020 : Notes on Arisbe (Pathysa) antiphates (Cramer, 1775) (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) and its allies
Nachr. ent. Ver. Apollo, N.F. 40(3/4):187-202.

Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂ Graphium antiphates toshikazui ♂
♂, Surat Thani (Koh Phangan), Thailand. (photo by A.Giudici) ♂, Surat Thani (Koh Phangan), Thailand. (photo by A.Giudici)

2020.12.31 - 2024.04.30.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.