Shijimia potanini potanini (Alpheraky, 1889)

Shijimia potanini potanini ♂ Up. Shijimia potanini potanini ♂ Un. Shijimia potanini potanini ♂ Up. Shijimia potanini potanini ♂ Un.
♂, Ha Giang, Vietnam. (photo by K.Saito) ♂, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam. (photo by K.Saito)

ON : Lycaena potanini Alpheraky, 1889
OD : in Romanoff, Mém. lép. 5:104-105, pl.5, fig.4,♂(Un).
TL : "Pikouà" [Pikouà, Gansu].
Distribution : N.Vietnam, Gansu, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hainan.
● ssp.umbriel
Shijimia potanini potanini map

Records taken from Literature

Everes potanini ; Metaye,1957 : 90. (no loc.)
Tongeia potanini potanini ; Luong et al.,2004 : 9, 75, figs.♂,♂(Un). (Cuc Phuong)
Tongeia potanini potanini ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 49. (N: Lao Cai; Ha Giang)

Specimens Examined

Ha Giang : 1♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Vinh Phuc : 1♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


Further taxonomic study is needed.


Alphéraky, S.,1889 : Lépidoptères rapportés de ia Chine et de la Mongolie par G.N.Potanine.
in Romanoff, Mém. lép. 5:90-123, pl.5.

Zhang, J., Cong, Q., Shen, J., Song, L. & Grishin, N.V.,2023 : Butterfly classification and species discovery using genomics
The taxonomic report of the International Lepidoptera Survey 11(3):1-94.

2020.11.30 - 2024.10.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.