Zeuxidia masoni masoni  Moore, 1879

Zeuxidia masoni masoni ♂ Up. Zeuxidia masoni masoni ♂ Un. Zeuxidia masoni masoni ♀ Up. Zeuxidia masoni masoni ♀ Un.
♂, Phrae, Thailand. ♀, Phrae, Thailand.
Zeuxidia masoni masoni ♂ Up. Zeuxidia masoni masoni ♂ Un. Zeuxidia masoni masoni ♀ Up. Zeuxidia masoni masoni ♀ Un.
♂, Phrae, Thailand. ♀, Phrae, Thailand.

ON : Zeuxidia masoni Moore, 1879
OD : Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1878(4):826.
TL : Meetan. (♀)
Distribution : Myanmar, N. & W.Thailand.
● ssp.masoni
ssp.??? (unclear)
Zeuxidia masoni masoni map

Records taken from Literature

Zeuxidia amethystus masoni ; Godfrey,1930 : 260. (Prae: Me Song forest; Me Lamoung: Hot Spring)
Zeuxidia masoni masoni ; Kimura et al.,2016 : 147, figs.♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Bang Salock)
'Zeuxidia masoni masoni ; S.Sophonviwatkul, C.Sunthornwiphat & T.Laola,2015- : Butterflies of Thailand, figs. (Phetchabun) (accessed: 2023.06.03)'

Specimens Examined

Phrae : 2♂ 2♀.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


Phetchabun : 2♂ (photo by S.Sophonviwatkul and A.Giudici).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly is locally uncommon in montane dense forests mixed with bamboo at moderate elevations (Alt. 400 - 900m).
Photo records in Phetchabun prov. were taken by Supat Sophonviwatkul and Antonio Giudici. However, due to the lack of specimen, it was not possible to identify which subspecies. I suppose it is likely to be this taxon, but we need to confirm with specimens in the future.

The difference between masoni and ametystus
masoni ♂ bland and hairtuft ametystus ♂ bland and hairtuft
masoni ♂, UpH.
brand without hairtuft in cell
ametystus ♂, UpH.
brand with hairtuft in cell


Moore, F.,1879 : A list of the lepidopterous insects collected by Mr.Ossian Limborg in upper Tenasserim, with descriptions of new species.
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1878(4):821-858, pls. 51-53.

Zeuxidia masoni ♂ Zeuxidia masoni ♂
♂, Phetchabun, Thailand. (photo by S.Sophonviwatkul) ♂, Phetchabun, Thailand. (photo by A.Giudici)

2007.10.10 - 2023.06.30.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.