Stichophthalma mathilda ranohngensis  Okano, 1985

Stichophthalma mathilda ranohngensis ♂ Up. Stichophthalma mathilda ranohngensis ♂ Un. Stichophthalma mathilda ranohngensis ♀ Up. Stichophthalma mathilda ranohngensis ♀ Un.
♂, Ranong, Thailand. (photo by K.Saito) ♀, Ranong, Thailand. (photo by K.Saito)
Stichophthalma mathilda ranohngensis ♂ Up. Stichophthalma mathilda ranohngensis ♂ Un. Stichophthalma mathilda ranohngensis ♂ Up. Stichophthalma mathilda ranohngensis ♂ Un.
♂, Ranong, Thailand. (photo by K.Saito) ♂, Ranong, Thailand. (photo by K.Saito)

ON : Stichophthalma louisa ranohngensis Okano, 1985
OD : Tokurana 10(2):1-2, 6:figs.1(HT,♂),2(HT,♂Un).
TL : Ranohng [Ranong]. (♂)
Distribution : P.Thailand (Phtechaburi to Ranong).
● ssp.mathilda
Stichophthalma mathilda ranohngensis map

Type Material Information

Holotype ♂, 14.Mar.1985. Ranohng [Ranong], Thailand. (in coll. K.Okano, examined.)

Records taken from Literature

Stichophthalma louisa siamensis ; Pinratana,1983 : 50, pl.30, figs.9b♀[♂],♀[♂](Un). (Ranong; Surat Thani)
Stichophthalma louisa ranohngensis ; Nishimura,1998 : 121, figs.18,♂,19,♂(Un),20,♀,21,♀(Un),62,♂genitalia. (Phang Nga: Khao Poa Tha)
Stichophthalma louisa ranohngensis ; Ek-Amnuay,[2007] : 318, pl.131, figs.A10d♀,♀(Un), pl.132,fig.10d♂[♀],♀(Un). (Muang Shone)
Stichophthalma louisa ranohngensis ; Ek-Amnuay,2012 : 318, pl.131, figs.N156d♀,♀(Un), pl.132,figs.N156d♂,♀(Un). (Muang Shone-Ranong)
Stichophthalma louisa ranohngensis ; Kimura et al.,2016 : 142, figs.♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Muang Shone)
Stichophthalma mathilda ranohngensis ; S.Sophonviwatkul, C.Sunthornwiphat & T.Laola,2024- : Butterflies of Thailand, fig. (Phetchaburi) (accessed: 2024.05.06)

Specimens Examined

Phetchaburi : 1♂ (photo by A.Giudici)
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Ranong : 4♂ 1♀ (photo by K.Saito).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly is locally uncommon in montane dense bamboo forests at moderate elevations (Alt. 800 - 1100m). S. godfreyi is found sympatrically in many habitats, but is much rarer than S.godfreyi.
It was recently found in the Phetchaburi area, but only photographed in the field. It is likely to belong to this taxon, but confirmation by specimens is needed.
The characteristics of this taxon resemble those of mathilda, not louisa, therefore I tentatively treat it as a subspecies of mathilda. However, I suspect that this taxon could be a distinct species based on its distribution. Further taxonomic and distributional studies, including DNA analysis, are needed.


Okano, K.,1985 : Descriptions of four new butterflies on Amathushiidae Nymphalidae and Papilionidae. (Lepidoptera)
Tokurana 10(2):1-17, 39 figs.

Nishimura, M.,1998 : Notes on the genus Stichophthalma (Lpidoptera, Nymphalidae), with descriptions of a new species from Indo-China.
Trans. lepid. Soc. Japan. 49(2):115-132, 69 figs.

Monastyrskii, A.L. & Devyatkin, A.L.,2008 : Revisional notes on the genus Stichophthalma C.& R.Felder, 1862. (Lepidoptera, Amathusiidae)
Atalanta 39(1-4):281-286,

Stichophthalma mathilda ranohngensis ♂
♂, Phetchaburi, Thailand. (photo by A.Giudici)

2007.10.10 - 2024.05.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.