Stichophthalma louisa louisa (Wood-Mason, 1877)

Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♂ Up. Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♂ Un. Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♀ Up. Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♀ Un.
♂, Tak, Thailand. (photo by K.Saito) ♀, Tak, Thailand. (photo by K.Saito)
Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♂ Up. Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♂ Un. Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♀ Up. Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♀ Un.
♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand. (photo by K.Saito) ♀, Tak, Thailand. (photo by K.Saito)

ON : Thaumantis louisa Wood-Mason, 1877
OD : Proc. asiat. Soc. Beng. 46:163.
TL : "in Tenasserim in montibus Taoo" [Ta-ok, Kayin State, Myanmar].
Distribution : Myanmar (Kayin State; Mon State), N.W. & W.Thailand.
Stichophthalma louisa louisa map


Stichophthalma louisa antonia Röber, 1926 : Ent. Rdsch. 43:18, fig.4,♂. TL. "Malmon (Moulniain) in Birma," [Mawlamyine, Mon State, Myanmar]. (NHML)

Type Material Information

antonia : ♂ Type HT (red), Rh.18334, 26.Apr.1935. Tenasserium. Rober (NHML, examined)

Records taken from Literature

Stichophthalma louisa louisa ; Pinratana,1983 : 50, pl.28, fig.9a,♂. (Kanchanaburi)
Stichophthalma louisa louisa ; Nishimura,1998 : 120-121, figs.15,♂,16,♂,17,♀(Un),63,♂genitalia. (Tak: Umphang)
Stichophthalma louisa louisa ; Ek-Amnuay,[2007] : 314, pl.130, figs.A10a,♂[♀],♂[♀](Un),(Kanchanaburi), ♂,♂(Un),(Umphang). (Umphang; 'Omkoi' [loc.err.]; Thong Pha Phum)
Stichophthalma louisa louisa ; Ek-Amnuay,2012 : 316, pl.13, figs.N156a,♀,♀(Un),♂,♂(Un). (Umphang; 'Omkoi' [loc.err.]; Thong Pha Phum) (in part)
Stichophthalma louisa louisa ; S.Sophonviwatkul, C.Sunthornwiphat & T.Laola,2015- : Butterflies of Thailand, figs. (Kanchanaburi) (accessed: 2023.06.30)
Stichophthalma louisa louisa ; Kimura et al.,2016 : 142, figs.♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Thong Pha Phun; Kanchanaburi)

Specimens Examined

Mae Hong Son : 1♂ (photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Tak : 2♂ 2♀ (photo by K.Saito).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Kanchanaburi : 4♂ 4♀ (photo & photo by K.Saito).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly is locally very common in montane primary forests, especially mixed with bamboo, at moderate elevations (Alt. 600 - 900m). Both sexes come to rotten fruits that has fallen to the ground or tree sap. Males occasionally come to the banks of streams and puddles to suck water.
Ek-Amnuay ([2007],2012) recorded from 'Omkoi, Chiang Mai', but I have never seen any specimens from there. Thus It is considered an incorrect locality.


Wood-Mason,J.,1877 : New Insects from Tenasserim.
Proc. asiat. Soc. Beng. 46:160-163.

Röber, J.,1926 : Neue tropische Falter.
Ent. Rdsch. 43(5):18, figs.3-4.

Nishimura, M.,1998 : Notes on the genus Stichophthalma (Lpidoptera, Nymphalidae), with descriptions of a new species from Indo-China.
Tyô to Ga. 49(2):115-132, 69 figs.

Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♂ Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♀
♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand. ♀, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♂ Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♂
♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand. ♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♂ Stichophthalma louisa louisa ♂
♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand. ♂, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.

2007.10.10 - 2025.03.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.