Lethe europa niladana  Fruhstorfer, 1911

Lethe europa niladana ♂ Up. Lethe europa niladana ♂ Un. Lethe europa niladana ♀ Up. Lethe europa niladana ♀ Un.
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand. ♀, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Lethe europa niladana ♂ Up. Lethe europa niladana ♂ Un. Lethe europa niladana ♀ Up. Lethe europa niladana ♀ Un.
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand. ♀, Chanthaburi, Thailand.

ON : Lethe europa niladana Fruhstorfer, 1911
OD : in Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde 9:315.
TL : Kumaon to Myanmar.
Distribution : India to Myanmar, Thailand, Laos,
Cambodia, Vietnam, Yunnan.
● ssp.niladana
Lethe europa niladana map


Lethe europa niladana f. gada Fruhstorfer, 1911 : in Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde 9:316. TL. Muok Lek, Siam. (NHML)

Records taken from Literature

Lethe europa niladana f. gada ; Fruhstorfer,1911 : 316. (Siam)
Lethe europa niladana ; Godfrey,1916 : 121.
Lethe europa niladana ; Godfrey,1927 : 121. (N)
Lethe europa niladana ; Godfrey,1930 : 245.
Lethe europa niladana ; Pinratana,1988 : 12, pl.10, figs.18a♂,♀,♂(Un). (Chiang Mai; Chanthaburi; Chonburi; Kanchanaburi; Bangkok; Ratchaburi)
Lethe europa niladana ; Yamaguchi & Aoki,2000 : 253, fig.71,♂. (Mukdahan: Phu Mu; Phu Pha Thaep)
Lethe europa niladana ; Yamaguchi & Aoki,2002 : 21. (Mukdahan: Phu Huay Sing; Nam Tok Tad Ton; Nam Tok Kham Cha I; Ban Lao Kram; Ban Na Lak; Ubon Ratchathani: Nam Tok Soi Sawan)
Lethe europa niladana ; Yamaguchi, Aoki & Akiyama,2005 : 48. (Mukdahan: Ban Lao Kram; Phu Hin Khan; Ubon Ratchathani: Phu Pung)
Lethe europa niladana ; Katsuyama et al.,2005 : 68, fig.114,♂. (Umphang: Tha-Sai; Umphang)
Lethe europa niladana ; Katsuyama et al.,2006 : 48, fig.85,♂. (Nan: Ban Nam Poon)
Lethe europa niladana ; Ek-Amnuay,[2007] : 240, pl.92, figs.S19a♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Tham Than Rod)
Lethe europa niladana ; Ek-Amnuay,2012 : 240, pl.92, figs.N55a♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Tham Than Lod)
Lethe europa niladana ; Okamoto et al.,2013 : 9. (Kanchanaburi: Mae Klong Station)
Lethe europa niladana ; S.Sophonviwatkul, C.Sunthornwiphat & T.Laola,2015- : Butterflies of Thailand, figs. (Phetchabun; Chaiyaphum; Kanchanaburi; Saraburi; Ratchaburi) (accessed: 2023.06.30)
Lethe europa niladana ; Kimura et al.,2016 : 167-168, figs.♂,♂(Un),♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Doi Suthep; Ban Salok; Phu Kradung; Phu Khiewo; Sarika; Saraburi; Bang Sarrey; Doi Musso; Sai York Noi; Erawan WF; Kaeng Krachang; Ratchaburi)
Lethe europa niladana ; Chaianunporn & Chaianunporn,2019 : 86. (Chaiyaphum: Chulabhorn Dam)

[ LAOS ]
Lethe europa f. niladana ; Dubois & Vitalis,1924 : 28. (Laos)
Lethe europa f. beroe ; Dubois & Vitalis,1924 : 28. (Giranville)
Lethe europa niladana ; Motono & Negishi,1989 : 64, pl.82, figs.5,♂,6,♂(Un),7,♀,8,♀(Un). (Vang Vieng; Vientiane; Nam Moh; Luang Prabang)
Lethe europa niladana ; Osada, Uémura & Uehara,1999 : 210, pl.90, figs.♂,♂(Un). (Thabok; Oudomxay)
Lethe europa niladana ; Uémura,2003 : 3, fig.19,map. (Oudomxay; Vang Vieng; Ban Keun; Tha Ngone; Thabok; Lak Sao)
Lethe europa niladana ; Uémura,2006 : 2, fig.8,map. (Tha Ngone; Vieng Thong)
Lethe europa niladana ; Uémura,2007 : 1, fig.3,map. (Tad Thevada)
Lethe europa niladana ; Uémura,2011 : 1-2. (C: Tad Moon)
Lethe europa niladana ; Nakamura & Wakahara,2012 : 48.
Lethe europa niladana ; Onodera,2022 : 55, pl.164, figs.♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Khammouan: Natung; Luang Phabang)

Lethe gada ; Vitalis,1919 : 223. (Cambodge)
Lethe europa niladana ; Woodfield & Murton,2006 : figs,♀,♀(Un). (Botum Sakor NP.)
Lethe europa gada ; Monastyrskii et al.,2011 : 128. (Phnom Samkos W.S.)
Lethe europa niladana ; Kosterin,2020 : 331. (Siem Reap; Preah Vihear)
Lethe europa niladana ; Chartier & Kosterin,2022 : 115. (Koh Kong; Pursat; Siem Reap)

Lethe europa ; Joannis,1901 : 317. (Tonkin: Cao Bang)
Lethe europa niladana f. gada ; Fruhstorfer,1911 : 316. (Tonkin)
Lethe europa niladana ; Godfrey,1919 : 466. (S: Daban)
Lethe gada ; Vitalis,1919 : 223. (Tonkin)
Lethe europa f. gada ; Dubois & Vitalis,1924 : 28. (Tonkin)
Lethe europa ; Lemée,1950 : 7-8. (Hagiang; Hanoi)
Lethe europa niladana f. gada ; Metaye,1957 : 102. (N)
Lethe europa gada ; Luong et al.,2004 : 4, 46, figs.♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Cuc Phuong)
Lethe europa gada ; Monastyrskii,2005 : 51-52, pl.12, figs.1a♂,1b♂(Un). (N: Tam Dao; Ba Be; Cuc Phuong; Cao Bang; Lao Kai / C: Ben En; Pu Mat; Xuan Lien / S: Lo Go Sa Mat; Cat Tien; Saigon; La Nga)
Lethe europa niladana ; Miyazaki, Saito & Saito,2006c : 28, figs.S-11,♂. (Lam Dong: Dambri; Dong Nai: Nam Cat Tien; Bin Thuan: Dong Tien)
Lethe europa niladana ; Miyazaki, Saito & Saito,2007c : 39, fig.S-11,♀. (Lam Dong: Dambri)
Lethe europa niladana ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 22. (N / C / S)
Lethe europa niladana ; Saito et al.,2017 : 81-82. (S: Nui Cam; Nui Coto)

Specimens Examined

Mae Hong Son : 2♂ 2♀.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Chiang Mai : 12♂ 1♀ (incl. photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Lamphun : 1♀ (photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Lampang : 3♂ (photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Phrae : 3♂ (incl. photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Nan : 1♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Phetchabun : 2♂ (photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Tak : 1♀.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Kanchanaburi : 3♂ 1♀.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Chanthaburi : 2♂ 1♀.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

[ LAOS ]
Luang Prabang : 1♀ (photo by H.Onodera).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly is common in montane and secondary forests at low to moderate elevations (Alt. 50 - 1300m). Males occasionally come to the banks of streams and puddles to suck water.


Fruhstorfer, H.,1911 : 4. Familie: Satyridae in Seitz, Gross-Schmett. Erde 9
313-328. (25.Apr.1911)

Lethe europa niladana ♂ Lethe europa niladana ♀
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand. ♀, Lamphun, Thailand.
Lethe europa niladana ♂ Lethe europa niladana ♂
♂, Lampang, Thailand. ♂, Phrae, Thailand.

1998.12.10 - 2024.03.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © Y.Inayoshi.