Junonia hedonia ida (Cramer, 1775)

Junonia hedonia ida ♂ Up. Junonia hedonia ida ♂ Un. Junonia hedonia ida ♂ Up. Junonia hedonia ida ♂ Un.
♂, 2023.06.18. Narathiwat, Thailand. (photo by A.Giudici) ♂, 2023.06.18. Narathiwat, Thailand. (photo by A.Giudici)

ON : Papilio ida Cramer, 1775
OD : Uitl. Kapellen 1(1-7):66-67, pl.42, figs.C,D(Un).
TL : "Batavia" [Jakarta, Java].
Distribution : P.Thailand (Narathiwat), W.Malaysia (Johore),
Singapore, Sumatra, Lingga, Borneo, Palawan, Philippines,
Java, Bawean, Bali, Talaud.
Junonia hedonia ida map


Vanessa idamene Godart, 1819 : in Ency. méth. 9(1):315. TL. 'Bengale' ; Java.
Precis hedonia dayak Hayashi, 1972 : Tyô to Ga 23(1):9, pl.1, figs.1(HT,♂,Un),2(HT,♂),3-8(PT,♂), pl.2, figs.9-16(PT,♂). TL. Kampong Segu, Sarawak, Borneo.
Precis hedonia hondai Hayashi, 1973 : Tyô to Ga 23(3-5):94, figs.1(HT,♂),2(HT,♂Un),3(PT,♀),4(PT,♀Un). TL. Gimba, Palawan.

Type Material Information

dayak ;
Holotype ♂, 17.Oct.1964. Kampong Segu, Sarawak, Borneo. H.Hayashi leg.
Paratypes : 6♂ 1♀, Sarawak ; 1♂, Inobang, Sabah.

hondai ;
Holotype ♂, 15.Aug.1968. Gimba, Palawan. Y.Honda leg.
Paratypes : 3♂ 1♀, Palawan.

Records taken from Literature

Junonia hedonia ida ; Saito & Inayoshi,2023b : 54, figs.1,♂,1v♂(Un). (Narathiwat)

Specimens Examined

Narathiwat : Chanae Dist., 2023.06.18. 3♂, A.Guidici (YI).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


New to Thailand. The specimens were obtained on 18.Jun.2023 by Antonio Giudici in Narathiwat province.
The butterfly is locally common in grass fields, open land and secondary forests at low elevations. Both sexes visit flowers.
This taxon was known from Johore in W.Malaysia and Singapore and has not previously been found north of the southern part of W.Malaysia. Other Sundaland species found in the Narathiwat area include Poritia plateni and Cirrochroa satellita, which are not found elsewhere in Thailand. It is possible that different biogeographical elements may have entered the area. Further regional research is needed.


Cramer, P.,1775-1780 :
De uitlandsche Kapellen voorkomende in de drie Waereld-Deelen Asia, Africa en America. Papillons exotiques des trois parties du monde l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amerique.
Amsteldam, S.J.Baalde; Barthelemy Wild and J. Van Schoonhoven & Comp.
1(1/7):i-xxx, 1-16, 1-132, pls.1-84 ([31 December]1775), (8):133-155, pls.85-96 (1776); 2(9/16):1-151, pls.97-192 (1777); 3(17/22):1-128, pls.193-264 (1779), (23/24):129-176, pls.265-288 (1780); 4(25/26):1-28, pls.289-304 (1780)

Godart, J.B.,1819 : in Latreille & Godart, Encyclopédie Méthodique.
Histoire naturelle Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des crustacés, des arachnides et des insectes
9(1):3-328. Paris.

Hayashi, H.,1972 : Precis hedonia LINNÉ from Northwestern Borneo, with the description of a new subspecies
Tyô to Ga 23(1):9-12.

Hayashi, H.,1973 : A new subspecies of Precis hedonia LINNAEUS from Palawan
Tyô to Ga 23(3-5):93-94.

Tsukada, E.,1985 : Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands. IV Nymphalidae (1).
Plapac Co., Ltd. 558 pp. 158.col.pls. (in Japanese)

Eliot, J.N.,1992 : In Corbet & Pendlebury. The Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula, edn. 4.
Malayan Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur.

Junonia hedonia ida ♂ Junonia hedonia ida ♂
♂, 2023.06.18. Narathiwat, Thailand. (photo by A.Giudici)

2023.09.30 - 2023.10.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.