Arhopala anella Nicéville, 1895

ON : Arhopala anella Nicéville, 1895
OD : J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 9(3):289-290, pl.P, fig.32,♀.
TL : Perak, "Malay Peninsula" [W.Malaysia]. (NZC)
Distribution : P.Thailand (Yala), W.Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Arhopala anella map

Type Material Information

Type ♀, Perak. (NZC) ; Sheela et al.,2019 : 79, figs.♀,♀(Un).

Records taken from Literature

Arhopala anella ; S.Sophonviwatkul, C.Sunthornwiphat & T.Laola,2024- : Butterflies of Thailand, fig. (Yala) (accessed: 2024.06.08)

Specimens Examined

Yala : Betong dist., 2024.02.05. 1♀, S.Atdhabhan (photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly was discovered by Satawan Atdhaban on 05.Feb.2024 in Betong, Yala.
I tentatively treated it here as a member of the genus Arhopala, but as with Flos abseus, it is more likely to be a member of the genus Flos. Further distributional and taxonomic studies are needed.


Nicéville, L. de,1895 : On new and little-known Butterflies from the Indo-Malayan Region
J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 9(3):259-321, pl.N-Q, (4):366-410.

Arhopala anella ♀
♀, 2024.02.05, Yala, Thailand. (photo by S.Atdhabhan)

2024.02.29 - 2024.06.30.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.