Arhopala caeca  (Hewitson, 1863)

ON : Amblypodia caeca Hewitson, 1863
OD : Ill. diurn. Lep. Lycaenidae (1):14, pl.4, fig.28(♂Un).
TL : Sarawak, [Borneo]. (♂, NHML)
Distribution : P. Thailand (Yala), W. Malaysia, Sumatra,
Arhopala caeca map

Specimens Examined

Yala : Betong Dist., 2024.08.11. 1♀, S.Atdhabhan (photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


New to Thailand. It was found by Satawan Atdhabhan on 11.Aug.2024 in Betong district, Yala.
Details are uncertain as only photographic records are available. Further study of specimens is needed.


Hewitson, W.C.,1863-1878; Illustrations of diurnal Lepidoptera. Part I. Lycaenidae.
London, John Van Voorst.
(1):1-37 [sic], pls.1-16. (6.Jul.1863) ; (2):37-76, pls.17-30. (24.Jun.1865) ; (3):77-114, pls.31-46. (1.Apr.1867) ; (4):115-136, 14a-14h, supplementary pp.1-16, pls.47-54, 3a-3c, supplementary pls.1-5. (30.Apr.1869) ; (5):137-151 [sic], pls.55-59, supplementary pl.6. (10.Feb.1873) ; (6):151-185 [sic], pls.60-73. (1.Dec.1874) ; (7):185-209 [sic], pls.74-83 (Jan.1877) ; (8):209-228, supplementary pp. 17-35 [sic], 35-47, pls.84-85, 88-92, supplementary pls.1a-1b, 3a-3b, 4a, 5a-5b, 7-8. (Nov.1878) [pls. 86-87 were never published]

Arhopala caeca ♀
♀, 2024.08.11, Yala, Thailand. (photo by S.Atdhabhan)


A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.