Arhopala athada athada (Staudinger, 1889)

Arhopala athada athada ♂ Up. Arhopala athada athada ♂ Un. Arhopala athada athada ♂ Up. Arhopala athada athada ♂ Un.
♂, Ranong, Thailand. ♂, Ranong, Thailand.
Arhopala athada athada ♂ geintalia Arhopala athada athada ♂ geintalia
♂ geintalia, Ranong, Thailand.

ON : Amblypodia athada Staudinger, 1889
OD : Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 2(1):125.
TL : "Malacca" [Malacca, W.Malaysia]. (NHML)
Distribution : P.Thailand (Ranong and Southward), Langkawi, W.Malaysia, Tioman, Singapore, Sumatra, Bangka, Borneo.
● ssp.apha
Arhopala athada athada map


Arhopala drucei Bethune-Baker, 1896 : in H.H. Druce, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1896(3):661, pl.30, figs.1,♂, 2,♀. TL. "Kina Balu" [Kina Balu, Borneo].
Arhopala agamemnon Corbet, 1941 : Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (B)10(9):160. TL. Singapore. (NHML)

Records taken from Literature

Arhopala athada athada ; Pinratana,1981 : 91. not fig. (Ranong; Trang)
Arhopala athada apha ; Seki,1986 : 16, figs.30,♀,31,♀(Un). (Ranong)
Arhopala athada athada ; Les Day,2011-2022 : Samui Butterflies, fig.[♀](Un). (Koh Samui)
Arhopala athada athada ; Kimura et al.,2014 : 73, figs.♂,♂(Un),♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Muang Shone; Khlong Naka; Than To WF.)

Specimens Examined

Ranong : 6♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly is locally not rare in montane forests at low elevations (Alt. 30 - 350m).


Staudinger, O.,1889 : Lepidopteren der Insel Palawan.
Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 2(1):3-180, pls.1,2.

Bethune-Baker, G.T.,1896 : in H.H. Druce, Further Contributions to our knowledge of the Bornean Lycaenidae.
Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1896(3):650-683, pls.29-31.

Corbet, A.S.,1941 : A key to the Indo-Malayan species of Arhopala Boisduval (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (B)10(9):149-183, figs.1-114.

Evans, W.H.,1957 : A Revision of the Arhopala Group of Oriental Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera).
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 5(3):85-141.

2009.06.30 - 2024.06.30.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.