Pedesta gupta gupta (Nicéville, 1886)

ON : Halpe gupta Nicéville, 1886
OD : J. asiat. Soc. Bengal Pt.2. 55(3):254-255, pl.XI, fig.1,♂, ♂(Un).
TL : Sikkim.
Distribution : Garhwal, Sikkim, Yunnan (Dulong Valley), N.Vietnam.
Pedesta gupta gupta map

Records taken from Literature

Thoressa gupta ; Devyatkin & Monastyrskii,2002 : 147. ('Ngoc Linh')
Thoressa gupta ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 75. (N: Lao Cai)


Nicéville, L. de,1886 : On some new Indian Butterflies.
J. asiat. Soc. Bengal, Part II. 55(3):249-256, pl.11.

Huang, H.,2011 : Notes on the genus Thoressa Swinhoe, [1913] from China, with the description of a new species (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae)
Atalanta 42(1-4):193-200.

Huang, Z.F., Chiba, H., Jin, J., Kizhakke, A.G., Wang, M., Kunte, K. & Fan, X.L.,2019 :
A multilocus phylogenetic framework of the tribe Aeromachini (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae), with implications for taxonomy and biogeography
Syst. Entomol. 44:163–178.

Cao, C., H.S., Xu, Y., Wu, H., Chen, T., Wang, M., Da,W. & Fan, X.,2019 :
New records and their associated DNA barcodes of the butterfly family Hesperiidae in Tibet, China
Zootaxa 4674(4):426–438.

2017.07.31 - 2023.07.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.