Ypthima yunosukei  Aoki & Uémura, 1984

Ypthima yunosukei ♂ Up. Ypthima yunosukei ♂ Un. Ypthima yunosukei ♀ Up. Ypthima yunosukei ♀ Un.
♂(dsf), Loei, Thailand. (photo by RIEB) ♀(dsf), Loei, Thailand. (photo by RIEB)
Ypthima yunosukei ♂ Up. Ypthima yunosukei ♂ Un. Ypthima yunosukei ♀ Up. Ypthima yunosukei ♀ Un.
♂(dsf), Loei, Thailand. (photo by RIEB) ♀(dsf), Loei, Thailand. (photo by RIEB)
Ypthima yunosukei ♂ Up. Ypthima yunosukei ♂ Un. Ypthima yunosukei ♀ Up. Ypthima yunosukei ♀ Un.
♂ (wsf), Loei, Thailand. (photo by THNHM) ♀ (wsf), Loei, Thailand. (photo by THNHM)
Ypthima yunosukei ♂ Up. Ypthima yunosukei ♂ Un. Ypthima yunosukei ♂ Up. Ypthima yunosukei ♂ Un.
♂ (wsf), Loei, Thailand. ♂ (wsf), Loei, Thailand.

ON : Ypthima yunosukei Aoki & Uémura, 1984
OD : Tokurana (6/7):81-82, figs.9f-g,10(♂genitalia),32(HT,♂),33(PT,♀),
col.pl.5, figs.1,5(HT,♂,♂Un), 2,6(PT,♀,♀Un).
TL : "Phukadung" [Phu Kradueng], Thailand. (♂, RIEB)
Distribution : Thailand (Loei).
Ypthima yunosukei map

Type Materials Information

Holotype ♂, 10.Feb.1975. "Phukadung" [Phu Kradueng], Thailand. Y.Kimura (RIEB. examined.)
Paratypes : 1♂ 1♀, 10.Feb.1975. "Phukadung" [Phu Kradueng], Thailand. Y.Kimura ; 1♂, 11.Feb.1975. "Phukadung" [Phu Kradueng], Thailand. Y.Kimura

Records taken from Literature

Ypthima sakra austeni ; Ek-Amnuay,[2007] : 302, pl.123, fig.S102,♀[♂](Un). (in part)
Ypthima sakra austeni ; Ek-Amnuay,2012 : 302, pl.123, figs.N138,♀[♂],♀[♂](Un). (Loei)
Ypthima yunosukei ; Kimura et al.,2016 : 199, figs.♂,♂(Un),♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Phu Kradung)

Specimens Examined

Loei (Phu Kradueng dist ; Phu Ruea dist.) : 14♂ 6♀ (incl. photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


This is a very localized species and is currently considered endemic to Thailand. Hitherto it has been found in several locations in Loei province, but the butterfly is very common in its habitat.


Aoki T. & Uémura, Y.,1984 : Studies on the genus Ypthima (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) in Thailand.
Tokurana (6/7):71-103, 43 figs, 1 col.pl., 8 figs.

Ypthima yunosukei ♂ Ypthima yunosukei ♀
♂ (dsf), Loei, Thailand. ♀ (dsf), Loei, Thailand.
Ypthima yunosukei ♂ Ypthima yunosukei ♂
♂ (wsf), Loei, Thailand. ♂ (wsf), Loei, Thailand.
Ypthima yunosukei ♀ Ypthima yunosukei ♀
♀ (dsf), Loei, Thailand. ♀ (dsf), Loei, Thailand.

1998.12.07 - 2022.09.30.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.