Lethe philemon Fruhstorfer, 1902

ON : Lethe bancis philemon Fruhstorfer, 1902
OD : Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 14(2):275.
TL : "Tonkin" [N.Vietnam]. (NHML)
Distribution : N.Vietnam, S.Guangxi.
Lethe philemon map

Type Materials Information

Syntypes ♂♀, June-July. Than Moi, Tonkin. (det. P.Ackery,1972) (NHML)

Records taken from Literature

Lethe naga philemon ; Fruhstorfer,1911 : 318. (Tonkin: Than Moi)
Lethe philemon ; Vitalis,1919 : 223. (Tonkin)
Lethe naga f. philemon ; Dubois & Vitalis,1924 : 29. (Tonkin: Than-Moi)
Lethe naga philemon ; Metaye,1957 : 103. (N)
Lethe philemon ; Monastyrskii,2005 : 63-64, pl.16, figs.3a(ST,♂),3b(ST,♂Un) ;3c♀(Un). (N: Than Moi; Kim Hy; Ba Be)
Lethe philemon ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 22. (N: Bac Can)


Fruhstorfer, H.,1902 : Neue und seltene Lepidopteren aus Annam und Tonkin und dem malayischen Archipel.
Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 14(2):265-276, pl.5. (26.Dec.1902)

Lang, S.Y.,2018 : Additional notes on the genus Lethe Hübner,1819 from China - I (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae & Satyrinae)
Atalanta 49(1-4):121-126.

1998.12.26 - 2025.02.28.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © Y.Inayoshi.