Elymnias panthera lutescens Butler, 1867

Elymnias panthera lutescens ♂ Up. Elymnias panthera lutescens ♂ Un. Elymnias panthera lutescens ♀ Up. Elymnias panthera lutescens ♀ Un.
♂, Yala, Thailand. ♀, Trang, Thailand.
Elymnias panthera lutescens ♂ Up. Elymnias panthera lutescens ♂ Un. Elymnias panthera lutescens ♀ Up. Elymnias panthera lutescens ♀ Un.
♂, Satun (Koh Tarutao), Thailand. ♀, Yala, Thailand.

ON : Elymnias lutescens Butler, 1867
OD : Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (3)20:404, pl.9, fig.10.
TL : "Borneo ; Malacca, Singapore, Penang". (NHML)
Distribution : P.Thailand (Nakhon Si Thammarat and Southward),
Langkawi, W.Malaysia, Singapore, Borneo.
Elymnias panthera lutescens map


Elymnias panthera var. labuana Staudinger, 1889 : Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 2(1):39. TL. "Labuan" [Labuan Island, Borneo]. (ZMHB)
Elymnias panthera lacrima Fruhstorfer, 1904 : Berl. ent. Z. 49:188. TL. 'Inseln bei Nord-Borneo? Banka?' (NHML)
Elymnias panthera alfredi Fruhstorfer, 1907 : Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 20(3):220-221. TL. Süd-Borneo ; Brunei in Nord-Borneo. (NHML)
Elymnias panthera alfredi ♀forma pantherina Fruhstorfer, 1907 : Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 20(3):220-221. TL. S.O.Borneo ; N.-Borneo. (NHML) (IFS)
Elymnias panthera alfredi ♀forma alfredi Fruhstorfer, 1907 : Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 20(3):220-221. TL. S.O.Borneo ; N.-Borneo. (NHML) (IFS)
Elymnias panthera labuana ♀form defasciata Fruhstorfer, 1911 : in Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde 9:372. TL. Kinabalu, Borneo. (NHML) (IFS)

Records taken from Literature

Elymnias panthera panthera ; Pinratana,1988 : 9, pl.4, fig.6,♂. (Nakhon Sri Thammarat; Yala)
Elymnias panthera panthera ; RDPB & DNP,2006-2008 : Butterflies in Hala-Bala Forest, fig.[♀](Un). (Narathiwat: Hala Bala) (last update: 2006.12.19 ; accessed: 2023.06.30)
Elymnias panthera panthera ; Ek-Amnuay,[2007] : 230, pl.87, figs.S6,♂,♀,♀(Un). (Yala)
Elymnias panthera panthera ; Uémura,2010 : 2.
Elymnias panthera panthera ; Ek-Amnuay,2012 : 228, pl.86, figs.N42,♂,♀,♀(Un). (Yala)
Elymnias panthere panthera ; Kimura et al.,2016 : 163, figs.♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Kao Luang; Than To WF.)
Elymnias panthera lutescens ; S.Sophonviwatkul, C.Sunthornwiphat & T.Laola,2020- : Butterflies of Thailand, figs, Early Stages. (Yala) (accessed: 2022.01.01)

Specimens Examined

Trang : 1♀.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Satun (Koh Tarutao ; Khuan Don dist.) : 2♂ (incl. photo by D. Sargeant).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Yala : 3♂ 3♀ (incl. photo by A.Giudici).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly is locally not rare in montane forests at low to moderate elevations (Alt. 30 - 700m).
I follow Wei et al. (2017) and treat the population of Singapore, W.Malaysia to P.Thailand as ssp.lutescens provisionally, however I consider Malaysian population seems to be different from Borneo. The classification and relationship of these subspecies should be restudied in future.


Butler, A.G.,1867 : Descriptions of new or little-known species of Asiatic Lepidoptera.
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (3)20:399-405, 2 pls.

Staudinger, O.,1889 : Lepidoptera der Insel Palawan.
Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 2(1):3-180, pl.1-2.

Fruhstorfer, H.,1904 : Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Rhopaloceren-Fauna der Insel Engano.
Berl. ent. Z. 49(1/2):170-206, pl.1-2. (Aug.1904)

Fruhstorfer, H.,1907 : Monographie der Elymniinae.
Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 20(1/2):pl.5 ; (3):157-252, pl.7 ; (4):pl.8.(1908)

Fruhstorfer, H.,1911 : 4. Familie: Satyridae in Seitz, Gross-Schmett. Erde 9
369-376. (13.Jun.1911)

Wei, C.H., Lohman, D., Peggie, D. & Yen, S.H.,2017 : An illustrated checklist of the genus Elymnias Hübner,1818 (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae).
Zookeys 676:47-152.

Elymnias panthera lutescens ♂ Elymnias panthera lutescens ♀
♂, Yala, Thailand. (photo by A.Giudici) ♀, Yala, Thailand.

1998.12.09 - 2023.07.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © Y.Inayoshi.