Prioneris thestylis thestylis  (Doubleday, 1842)

Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂ Up Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂ Un Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♀ Up Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♀ Un
♂ (ds), Nan, Thailand. ♀ (ds), Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂ Up Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂ Un Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♀ Up Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♀ Un
♂ (ws), Chiang Mai, Laos. ♀ (ws), Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂ Up Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂ Un Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♀ Up Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♀ Un
♂, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam. ♀, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂ Up Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂ Un Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂ Up Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♀ Up
♂ (ds), Nan, Thailand. ♀ (ds), Chiang Mai, Thailand.

ON : Pieris thestylis Doubleday,1842
OD : in Gray, Zool. Miscell. (2):76.
TL : Silhet. (NHML)
Distribution : Nepal, India to Myanmar, Thailand,
Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hainan, China.
● ssp.thestylis
Prioneris thestylis thestylis map


Pieris seta Moore, [1858] : in Horsfield & Moore, Cat. Lep. Ins. East India Co. (1):78. TL. "Bootan" [Bhutan]. (NHML)
Prioneris watsonii Hewitson, 1868 : Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 16(1):99-100. TL. N.India. (NHML)
Prioneris thestylis hainanensis Fruhstorfer, 1910 : in Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde 9:136. TL. Hainan. (NHML)
Prioneris thestylis hainanensis f. mamilia Fruhstorfer, 1910 : in Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde 9:136. TL. Hainan. (NHML) (IFS)
Prioneris thestylis jugurtha Fruhstorfer, 1910 : in Seitz, Grossschmett. Erde 9:136. TL. "Siam, Tenasserim, Tonkin, Annam" (NHML)

Type Materials Information

thestylis ; ♂, Type (red), N.India. (NHML, examined)
seta ; ♀, Type (red), Bhutan. (NHML, examined)
watsonii ;
♂, Type (red), Sylhet. Hewitson coll. (NHML, examined)
♀, Type (red), Darjeeling. Hewitson coll. (NHML, examined)
hainanensis ; ♂, Type, Hainan. Whitehead, Fruhstorfer coll. (NHML, examined)
mamilia ; ♂, Type, Hainan. Whitehead, Fruhstorfer coll. (NHML, examined)
jugurtha ; ♂, Type, Bangpai, Siam. Fruhstorfer coll. (NHML, examined)

Records taken from Literature

Prioneris thestylis jugurtha ; Fruhstorfer,1910 : 136. (Siam)
Prioneris thestylis jugurtha ; Godfrey,1916 : 114. (Petchaburi River)
Prioneris thestylis jugurtha ; Godfrey,1927 : 120. (N)
Prioneris thestylis jugurtha ; Godfrey,1930 : 223. (Chiang Rai; Petchaburi River; Me Wong)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Pinratana,1983 : 11, pl.10, figs.16,♂(dsf),♂(Un.dsf),♂(wsf),♂(Un.wsf),♀. (Chiang Mai; Chaiyaphum; Chanthaburi)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Ek-Amnuay,[2007] : 138, pl.41, figs.Pi16, ♂(wsf),♂(wsf,Un),♂(dsf),♂(dsf,Un),♀(wsf),♀(wsf,Un),♀(dsf),♀(dsf,Un). (Chiang Dao; Umphang; Khao Yai; Doi Phu Kha)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Kimura et al.,2011 : 164, figs.♂, ♂(Un),♂,♂(Un). (Doi Pha Hom Pok; Chiang Dao; Doi Inthanon; Phu Khiewo; Kao Soi Dao; Thung Yai)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Ek-Amnuay,2012 : 138, pl.41, figs.Pi16, ♂(wsf),♂(wsf,Un),♂(dsf),♂(dsf,Un),♀(wsf),♀(wsf,Un),♀(dsf),♀(dsf,Un). (Chiang Dao; Umphang; Khao Yai; Doi Phu Kha)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; S.Sophonviwatkul, C.Sunthornwiphat & T.Laola,2015- : Butterflies of Thailand, figs. (Chiang Mai; Kamphaeng Phet; Phetchabun; Chaiyaphum; Chanthaburi) (accessed: 2024.04.13)

[ LAOS ]
Prioneris thestylis f. jugurtha ; Dubois & Vitalis,1921 : 18. (Laos)
Prioneris thestylis f. malaccana ; Dubois & Vitalis,1921 : 18. (Luang-Prabang)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Motono & Negishi,1989 : 49, pl.17, figs.1,♂,2,♂(Un). (Luang Prabang; Vientiane; Nam Moh)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Osada, Uémura & Uehara,1999 : 202, pl.38, figs.♂(dsf),♂(dsf,Un),♂(Un),♀. (Lak Sao; Xam Neua)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Onodera,2009b : 34-35,38. (Vientiane: Namsong Riverside; Houaphan: Phu Phan)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Nakamura & Wakahara,2012 : 42.
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Onodera,2022 : 18, pl.70, figs.♂(dsf),♂(dsf,Un),♂(ddf),♂(dsf,Un),♂(wsf),♂(wsf,Un)♀(dsf),♀(dsf,Un). (Bolikhamxai: Lak Sao; Houaphang: Xam Neua; Xiengkhouang: Tha)

Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Monastyrskii et al.,2011 : 128. (Phnom Samkos W.S.)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Chartier & Kosterin,2022 : 114. (Pursat)

Prioneris thestylis ; Joannis,1901 : 331. (Tonkin: Cao Bang)
Prioneris thestylis jugurtha ; Fruhstorfer,1910 : 136. (Tonkin / Annam)
Prioneris thestylis f. jugurtha ; Dubois & Vitalis,1921 : 18. (Tonkin / Annam)
Prioneris thestylis ; Lemée,1950 : 5. (Hagiang)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis f.hib. watsoni ; Metaye,1957 : 85. (N / C / S)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis f.aest. seta ; Metaye,1957 : 85. (N / C / S)
Prioneris thestylis jugurtha ; Metaye,1957 : 85. (N / C)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Ikeda et al.,1998 : 23, figs.7:20,♀(dsf),8:1,♂(wsf),2,♂(Un),3,♂(dsf),4,♂(Un),11:41(♂genitalia). (Cuc Phuong)
Prioneris thestylis ; Vu,2003 : 56. (Phu Quoc)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Luong et al.,2004 : 2, 31, figs.♂,♂(Un). (Cuc Phuong)
Prioneris thestylis ; Monastyrskii et al.,2006 : 38. (Thua Thien Hue: Nam Dong; A Luoi; Bach Ma)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Miyazaki, Saito & Saito,2006 : 11, fig.Pi-21,♂. (Lam Dong: Dambri; Dai Duc Me)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Miyazaki et al.,2010 : 21, fig.Pi-21,♀. (Lam Dong: Dambri)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 16. (N / C / S)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ; Yokochi et al.,2015 : 39. (Khanh Hoa: Hon Ba)

Specimens Examined

Mae Hong Son : 7♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Chiang Mai : 7♂ 7♀ (incl. photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Lampang : 8♂ 2♀ (photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Nan : 10♂ 4♀.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Loei : 1♂ (photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Uttaradit : 1♂ (photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Tak : 4♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Phetchabun : 1♂ (photo by T.Aoyama).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Chaiyaphum : 4♂ (photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Chanthaburi : 4♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Phetchaburi : 1♂ (photo by T.Aoyama).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

[ LAOS ]
Xaignabouri : 5♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Vinh Phuc : 3♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Ninh Binh : 1♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly is common in montane forests at low to high elevations (Alt. 350 - 1800m). This species seems to mimic Delias species, such as belladonna group and descombesi etc. Males frequently come to the banks of streams and puddles to suck water.


Doubleday, E.,1842 : Characters of undescribed Lepidoptera.
Zool. Miscell. (J.E.Gray) (2):73-78, 1 cut.

Horsfield, T. & Moore, F.,[1858] :
A catalogue of the Lepidopterous Insects in the Museum of the Honourable East-India Company. Vol.1.
London. East India Co.

Hewitson, W.C.,1868 : Remarks on Mr. A.R.Wallace's "Pieridae of the Indian and Australian Regions".
Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 16(1):97-100.

Fruhstorfer, H.,1910 : 2. Familie: Pieridae in Seitz, Gross-Schmett. Erde 9
121-144. (14.Jan.1910)

Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂ Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand. ♂ (wsf), Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂ Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand. ♂ (wsf), Bolikhamxai, Laos. (photo by K.Phongpiyamit)
Prioneris thestylis thestylis ♂
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

1996.10.31 - 2024.04.30.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.