Papilio epycides imitata  (Monastyrskii & Devyatkin, 2003)

Papilio epycides imitata ♂ Up. Papilio epycides imitata ♂ Un. Papilio epycides imitata ♂ Up. Papilio epycides imitata ♂ Un.
♂, Lam Dong, Vietnam. (photo by K.Saito) ♂, Lam Dong, Vietnam. (photo by K.Saito)

ON : Chilasa imitata Monastyrskii & Devyatkin, 2003
OD : Atalanta 34(1/2):77-78, pl.5, figs.1(HT,♂),2(HT,♂Un).
TL : Bi Doup-Nui Ba, Dong Mang, Lam Dong, C.Vietnam. (NHML)
Distribution : C.Vietnam.
● ssp.hypochra
Papilio epycides imitata map

Type Materials Information

Holotype ♂, 16.Apr.2002. Bi Doup - Nui Ba, Dong Mong, Lam Dong, C.Vietnam. (NHML)
Paratypes 4♂ 1♀, Bi Doup - Nui Ba, Dong Mong, Lam Dong, C.Vietnam ; 1♀, 06.Apr.2003. Dien Khanh, Khanh Hoa, C.Vietnam.

Records taken from Literature

Chilasa imitata ; Monastyrskii,2007 : 41-42, pl.8, figs.3a♂,3b♀. (C: Bi Doup-Nui Ba; Hon Ba)
Chilasa epycides imitata ; Miyazaki, Saito & Saito,2007c : 36-37, fig.Pa-36,♂. (Lam Dong: Dambri)
Chilasa imitata ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 12. (C: Lam Dong ; Khanh Hoa)
Chilasa epycide imitata ; Yokochi et al.,2015 : 39, 44, figs.5,♂, 5v♂(Un). (Khanh Hoa: Hon Ba)

Specimens Examined

Lam Dong : 2♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


Some authors treat them as a distinct species. However, it has the same genitalia as epycides, and the differences in the marking coloration are likely to variable in the model, as it is a mimetic species. Therefore, it is considered to be the same species as epycides.


Monastyrskii, A.L. & Devyatkin, A.L.,2003 : New taxa and new records of butterflies from Vietnam, 2 (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera)
Atalanta (Augst 2003)34(1/2):75-109, 5 col.pls.

2006.01.09 - 2023.05.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996-2025 Y.Inayoshi.