Iraota distanti distanti (Staudinger, 1889)

Iraota distanti distanti ♂ Up. Iraota distanti distanti ♀ Un. Iraota distanti distanti ♀ Up. Iraota distanti distanti ♀ Un.
♂, Yala, Thailand. ♀, Yala, Thailand.
Iraota distanti distanti ♀ Up. Iraota distanti distanti ♀ Un. Iraota distanti distanti ♀ Up. Iraota distanti distanti ♀ Un.
♀, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand. ♀, Ranong, Thailand.

ON : Deudorix distanti Staudinger, 1889
OD : Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 2(1):121.
TL : "Malacca" [Malacca, W.Malaysia]. (MfN)
Distribution : P.Thailand (Ranong and Southward), W.Malaysia, {Singapore}, Sumatra.
Iraota distanti distanti map


Iroata [sic] nila Distant, 1886 : Rhop. malayana : 462-463, pl.44, fig.24,♀. TL. 'Malacca, [W.Malaysia]; Malay Peninsula' [Malacca, W.Malaysia]. (Homonym)

Type Material Information

nila ; Lectotype ♀, Malacca. designated by Takanami,1986. (MfN) ; Takanami,1989 : 28, figs.A41a♀, 41b♀(Un).

Records taken from Literature

Iraota distanti distanti ; Pinratana,1981 : 110, pl.19, fig.12,♀(Un). (Yala)
Iraota distanti distanti ; RDPB & DNP,2006-2008 : Butterflies in Hala-Bala Forest, fig.[♀](Un). (Narathiwat: Hala Bala) (last update: 2007.01.06 ; accessed: 2023.07.03)
Iraota distanti distanti ; Ek-Amnuay,[2007] : 658, pl.300, figs.L306,♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Yala; Ranong)
Iraota distanti distanti ; Ek-Amnuay,2012 : 696, pl.318, figs.L330,♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Yala; Ranong)
Iraota distanti distanti ; Kimura et al.,2014 : 93, figs.♀,♀(Un). (Thaleban)
Iraota distanti distanti ; S.Sophonviwatkul, C.Sunthornwiphat & T.Laola,2015- : Butterflies of Thailand, figs., Early Stages. (Nakhon Si Thammarat; Yala) (accessed: 2022.07.01)

Specimens Examined

Ranong : 1♀.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Nakhon Si Thammarat : 5♀ (incl. photo).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Yala : 1♂ 3♀ (incl. photo by S.Atdhabhan).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly is locally not rare in montane forests at low to moderate elevations (Alt. 100 - 1000m).


Distant, W.L.,1882-1886 : Rhopalocera Malayana : a Description of the Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula.
London, Author, Penang, Logan : xvi+482+[4]pp, 46 pls.

Staudinger, O.,1889 : Lepidopteren der Insel Palawan.
Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 2(1):3-180, pls.1,2.

Takanami, Y.,1989 : On Some Type Specimens of Lycaenidae from South East Asia (Lepidoptera).
Tyô to Ga 40(1):23-80.

Iraota distanti distanti ♀ Iraota distanti distanti ♀
♀, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand. ♀, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand.
Iraota distanti distanti ♀ Iraota distanti distanti ♀
♀, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand. ♀, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand.
Iraota distanti distanti ♀ Iraota distanti distanti ♀
♀ (laying egg), Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand. My wonderful friends! were waiting for a female
in front of the host plants. Thailand.

1999.07.18 - 2023.07.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.