Neptis manasa mongkholi Kimura & Saito, 2016

Neptis manasa mongkholi ♂ Up. Neptis manasa mongkholi ♂ Un. Neptis manasa mongkholi ♂ Up. Neptis manasa mongkholi ♂ Un.
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand. ♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

ON : Neptis manasa mongkholi Kimura & Saito, 2016
OD : in Kimura et al., The Butterflies of Thailand. Based on Yunosuke KIMURA Collection 3:83-84, figs.♂(HT),♂(HT,Un), ♀(PT),♀(PT,Un).
TL : Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai Prov., North Thailand. (RIEB)
Distribution : N.Thailand. (Chiang Mai)
● ssp.mongkholi
Neptis manasa mongkholi Map

Type Materials Information

Holotype ♂, 06.Apr.1977. Doi Suthep, N.Thailand. Y.Kimura (RIEB)
Paratypes : 3♂ 3♀, 18-20.Apr.1977. Doi Suthep, N.Thailand. S.Yamaguchi & T.Aoki (RIEB) ;
2♀, 05.Apr.1975. Doi Pui, N.Thailand. Y.Kimura (RIEB) ; 1♀, 05.Apr.1994. Maethro. Y.Kimura. (RIEB)

Records taken from Literature

Neptis manasa ; Godfrey,1932b : 324. (Chiang Mai: Doi Suthep)
Neptis manasa manasa ; Eliot,1969 : 109. (N.Siam)
Neptis nycteus ; Pinratana,1979 : 52, figs.N92,♀,♀(Un). (Chiang Mai)
Neptis manasa manasa ; Pinratana & Eliot,1996 : 53, pl.33, figs.86a♂[♀],♂[♀](Un). (Chiang Mai)
Neptis manasa manasa ; Ek-Amnuay,[2007] : 396, pl.172, figs.N89a♂[♀],♂[♀](Un),♀([ssp.narcissina], Laos). (Chiang Mai)
Neptis manasa manasa ; Ek-Amnuay,2012 : 410, pl.178, figs.N265a♂[♀],♂[♀](Un),♀([ssp.narcissina], Laos). (Chiang Mai)

Specimens Examined

Chiang Mai : 2♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly is uncommon in montane forests mixed with pine trees at moderate to high elevations (Alt. 1200 - 1600m). Males are territorial on trees and occasionally come to the banks of streams and puddles to suck water.


Kimura, Y., Aoki, T., Yamaguchi, S., Uémura, Y. & Saito, T.,2016 : The Butterflies of Thailand. Based on Yunosuke KIMURA Collection vol.3. Nymphalidae.
Mokuyosha. (264pp)

Neptis manasa mongkholi ♂ Neptis manasa mongkholi ♂
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Neptis manasa mongkholi ♂ Neptis manasa mongkholi ♂
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

2020.10.31 - 2023.06.30.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.