Neptis sedata Sasaki, 1982

Neptis sedata ♂ Up. Neptis sedata ♂ Un. Neptis sedata ♀ Up. Neptis sedata ♀ Un.
♂, 1992.03.19. Yala, Thailand. ♀, 2016.04.30. Yala, Thailand.

ON : Neptis sedata Sasaki, 1982
OD : Tyô to Ga 33(1/2) : 40-43, figs.1(HT,♂), 2(HT,♂Un), 3(PT,♀), 4(PT,♀Un), 5(♂genitalia), 6(♀genitalia).
TL : near Taiping, West Malaysia.(Kyushu University)
Distribution : P.Thailand (Yala), W.Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
Neptis sedata Map

Type Materials Information

Holotype ♂, 7.Mar.1976. near Taiping, West Malaysia. (Kyushu University)
Paratypes :
1♂, Jun.1977. near Taiping, West Malaysia. ; 1♂, Apr.1979. Kampong Sahom, West Malaysia. ;
1♀, Jun.1978. near Taiping, West Malaysia. ; 1♀, Aug.1979. Cameron Highland, West Malaysia.

Records taken from Literature

Neptis sedata ; Inayoshi,2007 : 21, figs.1,♂,2,♂(Un). (Yala)
Neptis sedata ; Ek-Amnuay,2012 : 398, pl.172, figs.N241,♂,♂(Un). (Than To)
Neptis sedata ; Kimura et al.,2016 : 73, figs.♂,♂(Un). (Than To WF.)

Specimens Examined

Yala : 1♂ 1♀.
Than To dist., 1992.03.16. 1♂ Y.Inayoshi (YI) ; Betong dist., 2016.04.30. 1♀ Y.Inayoshi (YI).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


This is the first record from Thailand.
The butterfly is uncommon in montane forests at low to moderate elevations (Alt. 350 - 600m) and is found on forest edges and forest paths.


Sasaki, K.,1982 : A New Species of the Genus Neptis Fabricius (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) from West Malaysia.
Tyô to Ga 33(1/2) : 40-43, 6 figs.

2006.12.20 - 2022.05.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.