Libythea lepita lepita Moore, [1858]

Libythea celtis lepita ♂ Up. Libythea celtis lepita ♂ Un. Libythea celtis lepita ♂ Up. Libythea celtis lepita ♂ Un.
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand. ♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Libythea celtis lepita ♂ Up. Libythea celtis lepita ♂ Un. Libythea celtis lepita ♂ Up. Libythea celtis lepita ♂ Un.
♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand. ♂, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

ON : Libythea lepita Moore, [1858]
OD : in: Horsfield & Moore, Cat. lep. Ins. East-India Co. 1:240.
TL : 'N.India; Bootan [Bhutan]'. (NHML)
Distribution : N.India to Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, SE.Tibet, S.China.
Libythea celtis lepita map

Records taken from Literature

Libythea lepita lepita ; Godfrey,1930 : 304. (Me Lamoung)
Libythea celtis lepita ; Pinratana,1988 : 38, pl.42, fig.1,♂. (Chiang Mai)
Libythea celtis lepita ; Ek-Amnuay,[2007] : 500, pl.224, figs.Li1,♂,♂(Un),♀[♂]. (Chiang Dao)
Libythea celtis lepita ; Ek-Amnuay,2012 : 512, pl.229, figs.N398,♂,♂(Un),♀[♂]. (Chiang Dao)
Libythea lepita lepita ; Kimura et al.,2016 : 23.

[ LAOS ]
Libythea celtis lepita ; Motono & Negishi,1989 : 67, pl.95, figs.3,♂,4,♂(Un). (Vang Vieng; Vientiane; Rock Kao)
Libythea celtis lepita ; Osada, Uémura & Uehara,1999 : 213, pl.103, fig.♂. (Oudomxay)
Libythea celtis lepita ; Nakamura & Wakahara,2012 : 50.
Libythea celtis lepita ; Onodera,2022 : 67, pl.198, figs.♂,♂(Un),♂,♂(Un). (Xiengkhouang: Tha; Oudomxai)

Libythea lepita lepita ; Metaye,1957 : 92.
Libythea lepita lepita ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 45. (N / C)
Libythea lepita ; Monastyrskii,2019 : 4(1):37, pl.1, figs.3a♂,3b♂(Un). (N: Ha Giang; Dong Van; Na Hang; Ba Be / C: Pu Mat; Huong Son; Vu Quang)

Specimens Examined

Chiang Mai : 4♂.
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec

Kamphaeng Phet : 1♂ (photo by P.Vantieghem).
JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec


The butterfly is uncommon and localized in montane forests at moderate elevations (Alt. 500 - 1000m). This species had not been recorded from Thailand for the last 20 years. However, Pieter Vantieghem found it in 2024 in the province of Kamphaeng Phet, W. Thailand. The populations in the Indo-Chinese region are treated as the nominotypical subspecies, but they appear to be slightly different. Further taxonomic and distributional studies are needed.


Moore F.,[1858] : in: Horsfield & Moore, A catalogue of the Lepidopterous Insects in the Museum of the Hon. East-India Company. Vol.1.
London, W.H. Allen and Co. v + 278 pp., 12 pls.

Kawahara, A.Y.,2013 : Systematic revision and review of the extant and fossil snout butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Libytheinae)
Zootaxa 3631(1):1-74.

Libythea lepita lepita ♂
♂, Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand (photo by P.Vantieghem)

2007.03.10 - 2024.11.30.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.