Parnara guttatus guttatus (Bremer & Grey, 1853)

ON : Eudamus guttatus Bremer & Grey, 1853
OD : in Motschulsky, Etud. Ent. 1(2):60.
TL : "environs de Pékin" [near Beijing, China].
Distribution : Laos, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan.
Parnara guttatus guttatus map


Hesperia fortunei C. Felder, 1862 : Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 12:489. TL. "Shanghai" [Shanghai, China]. (NHML)
Hesperia dalima Plötz, 1883 : Stett. ent. Ztg. 44(1-3):44. TL. 'Brazilien'
Hesperia wambo Plötz, 1886 : Stett. ent. Ztg. 44(1-3):97. TL. 'Afrika'
Parnara kotoshona Sonan, 1936 : Zephyrus 6:214-215, Tab.14, fig.9. TL. 'Kotosho [Lanyu], Formosa' ["Kashoto" Ludao, Taiwan]. (TARI)

Type Materials Information

kotoshona :
♂, Holotype (type, red), [Original description : 28.Sep.1928. Kotosho, J.Sonan leg.] data label : 2.Oct.1923. Kashoto, J.Sonan. Det.J.Sonan. (TARI) ;
♀, Allotype, 28.Sep.1928. Kotosho. J.Sonan leg ; Paratype : ♀, Jun.1931. Urai. J.Sonan leg.

Records taken from Literature

[ LAOS ]
Parnara guttata mangala ; Motono & Negishi,1989 : 84, pl.117, figs.A5,♀,6,♀(Un). (Pakse; Nam Moh)
Parnara guttatus mangala ; Osada, Uémura & Uehara,1999 : 225, pl.143, fig.♂. (Xiang Khouang)
Parnara guttatus mangala ; Nakamura & Wakahara,2012 : 60.
Parnara guttatus mangala ; Onodera,2022 : 123, pl.259, figs.♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Xiang Khouang: Muang Kham; Bolikhamxai: Lak Sao)

Parnara guttatus ; Devyatkin & Monastyrskii,1999 : 176. (Hanoi; Tam Dao; Ba Vi; Ba Be; Na Hang; Cuc Phuong; Vu Quang)
Parnara guttata ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 83. (N / C: to Lam Dong)


The subspecific classification of this species remains unresolved, as noted by Chiba & Eliot (1991: 181-182). In particular, the population in Indochina is unclear. Further taxonomic and distributional studies are needed.


Bremer, O. & Grey, W.,[1852] : Diagnoses de Lépidopterères nouveaux, trouvés par MM. Tatarinoff et Gaschkewitch aux environs de Pekin.
in Motschulsky, Etud. Ent. 1:58-67.

Felder, C.,1862 : Verzeichniss der von den Naturforschern der K.K.Fregatte "Novara" gesammelten Macrolepidopteren.
Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 12:473-496.

Plötz, C.,1883 : Die Hesperiinen-Gattung Hesperia Aut. und ihre Arten.
Stett. ent. Ztg. 44(1-3):26-64 ; 44(4-6):195-233.

Plötz, C.,1886 : Nachtrag und Berichtigungen zu den Hesperiinen.
Stett. ent. Ztg. 47(1-3):83-117.

Sonan, J.,1936 : Notes on some butterflies from Formosa (4).
Zephyrus 6:205-216, 1 pl.

Chiba, H. & Eliot, J.N.,1991 : A revision of the genus Parnara Moore (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae) with special reference to the Asian species
Tyô to Ga 42(3):179-194.

Tsukiyama, H, Chiba, H. & Fujioka, T.,1997 : Hesperiidae. In T.Fujioka, ed. Japanese butterflies and their relatives in the world. Vol. I.
Tokyo: Shuppan Geijyutsu Sha, pp.29-138. (in Japanese with English summary)

Chiba, H., Hsu, Y.F., Tsukiyama, H., Lo, P.Y.F., Chen, C.R. & Wang, S.M.,2009 :
Jinhaku Sonan's skipper type collection deposited at Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)
Zootaxa 2202:48-58.

Devyatkin, A.L.,2009 : Taxonomic studies on Orientali Hesperiidae, 3. - A key to the continental species of Parnara Moore, 1881, based on the ♀ genitalia (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae)
Atalanta 40(3/4):503-506.

2018.07.31 - 2025.01.31.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.