Aemona tonkinensis  Rothschild, 1916

ON : Aemona amathusia tonkinensis Rothschild, 1916
OD : Novit. zool. 23:300.
TL : Tonkin. (♂, NHML)
Distribution : Laos, Vietnam, Guandong.
Aemona tonkinensis map


Aemona amathusia cochinensis Brooks,1949 : Entomologist 82:256. TL. Laokai, 'Cochin China' [Tonkin]. (♂, NHML)

Type Materials Information

tonkinensis : Holotype ♂, Rh.15494, Yenbay, Tonkin. (NHML)
cochinensis : Holotype ♂, Rh.15531, Jun.1936. Laokai, 'Cochin China' [Tonkin]. Masseyeff (NHML)

Records taken from Literature

[ LAOS ]
Aemona amathusia f. amathusia ; Dubois & Vitalis,1924 : 32. (Pou-Mi; Xieng-Kong)
Aemona amathusia amathusia ; Osada, Uémura & Uehara,1999 : 212, not fig. (list only)
Aemona amathusia amathusia ; Uémura,2005 : 4. (by literature)
Aemona amathusia tonkinensis ; Nakamura et al.,2021 : 8-10, figs.2,♂,2v♂(Un),3,♂,3v♂,4,♂,4v♂(Un),12,♀,12v♀(Un),13,♀,13v♀(Un),14,♀,14v♀(Un),15,♀,15v♀(Un),16,♀,16v♀(Un). (N: Houa Phan / C: Kammouan; Bolikhamxai)
Aemona amathusia tonkinensis ; Onodera,2022 : 65, pl.188, figs.♂,♂(Un),♀,♀(Un). (Khammouan: Nakai; Houaphan: Phou Pan)

Aemona amathusia amathusia ; Nishimura,1999 : 3, figs.3-4(ST,♂,tonkinensis Up & Un),5-6(HT,♂,cohinensis Up & Un),33,♂,34,♀. (Vinh Phu: Tam Dao)
Aemona tonkinensis tonkinensis ; Devyatkin & Monastyrskii,2008 : 287-288,, figs.3,♂,4♂(Un). (N / C)
Aemona tonkinensis tonkinensis ; Monastyrskii,2011 : 85-87, pl.17, figs.a♂,b♂(Un),c♀,d♀(Un). (N: Hoang Lien; Ba Be; Tam Dao / C: Vu Quang; Ke Bang)
Aemona tonkinensis tonkinensis ; Monastyrskii & Devyatkin,2015 : 28. (N / C: to Quang Binh)


There are various opinions on the treatment of this taxon. I am provisionally following Monastyrskii,2021, but the classification of each species in genus Aemona needs to be reviewed in the future, including DNA analysis.


Rothschild, L.,1916 : Notes on Amathusiidae, Brassolidae, Morphidae, etc., with Descriptions of New Forms.
Novit. zool. 23:299-318.

Brooks, C.J.,1949 :
New subspecies in the Genera Faunis, Aemona, Stichophthalma and Enispe, with Revisional Notes (Lep. Amathusiidae).
Entomologist 82:256-259.

Nishimura, M.,1999 : A review of the genus Aemona Hewitson (Lpidoptera, Nymphalidae), with descriptions of a new genus and a new species from North Myanmar.
Trans. lepid. Soc. Japan. 50(1):1-15, 67 figs.

Devyatkin, A.L. & Monastyrskii, A.L.,2008 : Revisional notes on the Aemona amathusia (Hewitson, 1868) complex of taxa (Lepidoptera, Amathusiidae)
Atalanta 39(1-4):287-291.

Monastyrskii, A.L. & Vu, V.L.,2021 : New taxa and new records of butterflies from Vietnam (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)
Zootaxa 5048(4):486-510.

Nakamura, N., Uémura, Y. & Onodera, H.,2021 : Confirmation of the record of Aemona amathusia (Hewitson, 1867) from Laos
Butterflies 86:8-13.

2020.06.30 - 2023.06.30.

A Check list of Butterflies in Indo-China, Chiefly from THAILAND, LAOS & VIETNAM. Copyright © 1996- Y.Inayoshi.